Status: I have no idea when I'll update again. I haven't gotten the right ending quite yet...

Sunsets Never Were So Bright and The Skies Never So Blue

The Next Morning/Breakfast at Sunrise Cafe

I woke extra early, still dazed and thinking of the previous night, and got my hair and makeup done. I was still in my robe when I went to wake up Amory. She made laugh so hard because I had scared her then she tried to punch me and fell out of her bed.

"Ha ha. Very funny." Yep she was not happy.

"Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty." I said, trying to get her to smile.

It worked.

"Okay I'm up, I'm up."

"Go make yourself presentable. I'm almost ready so hurry please."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not everyone wakes up at the crack of dawn." She said.

"Sure, sure. Just try and hurry, 'kay?"

"Okay fine."

I walked back to my room to get dressed when my phone started to ring.
Must be Tuesday making sure we're awake.


"Hey." A guy's voice answered, "It's John."

"I know" I wanted to say, "I'd know your voice anywhere." Instead, I said.

"Oh, yeah, hey. What's up?"

"I'm sorry I'm calling so early but I couldn't sleep without talking to you again."

Wow, this is crazy, no way this is happening.

"Do you want to go out again? Like for lunch? Or something?"

"Yeah, definitely. Lunch is good."

"Okay, today or tomorrow better for you?"

"Uh, how about tomorrow because I'm meeting some friends for breakfast, and you might want to take a nap." I told him, smiling at the end. Of course I wanted to scream today, but that might scare him a little bit, just so I could see him again.

"Ha ha. Okay, tomorrow works really well because I want to show you something." He said mysteriously.

"Alright, am I allowed to know what it is or is it a surprise?"

"Surprise. I'll call you later to get your address so I can pick you up. If that's okay." He quickly added.

"Of course yeah. Talk to you later then."

"Okay, rad. Later."


"Hey who was that?" Amory asked while walking into my room.

"Um, no one. You ready?" I did a once over of her then me.

"Yeah. Let's go. My car or your's?"

"Mine, allons." (Amory and I took French so we sometimes speak to each other in the foreign language we're both fluent in.)

When we got to the cafe Tuesday was there already, of course.

"Hey Tues." Amory and I said in unison.

"Morning guys. So, T how was you date?" She asked before I could even get situated.

"Yeah, Tina how was your date, since you didn't want to tell me." Amory shot.

"Dang it must have been good if she didn't want to tell you."

"Well, it amazing, to say the least. We talked over dinner like the whole time. Then he walked me to my car and surprised me with a kiss." I gushed, clearly falling head over heels.

"Damn! When was the last time you kissed someone from one of Tuesday's blind dates," Amory asked, clearly a rhetorical question. " Who is he, Binx?!" She asked, adding my nickname on the end.

"You're never going to believe it but Tuesday set me up with John O'Callaghan!"

"SHUT UP!!!"

That made everyone turn in our direction and stare at us, we all laughed and then we continued.

"You kissed John?The lead singer from The Maine?!"

"Yes, well better than that he.."

"You slept with him?!" Amory interjected, cutting me off.

"NO! I was going to say that he kissed me."

"I can't believe you kissed him. You never kiss any of Tuesday's blind dates she sets you up with!"

"Hey! It's not my fault she's so damn picky."

I laughed at her expression.


"So... What?

"So how was he?" They said in unison, kinda creepy how we did that, we hung out so much that it was bound to happen.

"It was," I trailed off trying to conjure up the right word to describe the kiss, "unbelievable, breathtaking, dizzy-making... Amazing."

"Then they started flinging more questions, "How long did it last? Who pulled away first? How did he hold you when he kissed you? Was there tongue?!"

"No! It was a goodnight kiss on the lips. It lasted about one or two minutes. We pulled away at the same time. He'll held my face, and I held his. Is that all?"

"See told you that it would be a perfect date." Tuesday stated, smug and a bit cocky.

"Yeah, okay okay, you got me one good date."

"Well, are you gonna see him again?"

"Yes, actually, we talked this morning and decided to have lunch tomorrow. Then he said he wants to show me something, but it's a surprise." I grinned at the thought of seeing him again so soon but so far away.

"I still can't believe that you went on a date with John O'Callaghan from The Maine."

"Well believe it."

"I'm so jealous. I'd be more jealous if he was Kennedy." She added laughing.

"I knew it was only a matter of time until you said that." I said, laughing also. My life is so great right now, and it's only getting better....
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a longer chapter. I have write a new chapter because now I've caught up to what I already had written in my notebook...