Status: I have no idea when I'll update again. I haven't gotten the right ending quite yet...

Sunsets Never Were So Bright and The Skies Never So Blue

Bowling Night

After my anniversary with John I gushed about it all to my two best friends, well I left out some details. I must have been glowing cause they were excited just as I walked in the door. Amory and I talked, I asked her about her night was and I saw her blush scarlet and I understood. But Tuesday being Tuesday wouldn't let us be. She wanted all the "horny details" like she said.

"Come on you guys! I don't have a love life so I have to live through you two!"

"Well if you'd just find a guy and stop being so picky." Amory said.

"Hey! Not everyone get to date 'the man of their dreams' okay?"

"Well, what about Eric, John's room mate?" I asked just throwing names out there.

"Been there, tried that." She said like it was obvious.

"What?! You dated Eric and never told me?" I was shocked.

"Well, I didn't exactly date him. He had a huge crush on me in high school and I already knew who he was cause we were friends. And that'd be weird, for me to date my friend."

"You're going out with him!" I shouted at her.

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!" Amory joined my side of the fight.

"You're not really friends with him anymore so it'd be fine. This works out perfectly." I said, playing matchmaker this time instead of her.

"Except the fact that I don't like him. You heard what I just said."

"You said you'd never date your friend. Not that you didn't like him" I shot back with a smug grin.

"But-I-he. UGH! Fine! I'll go on a date with him A group date. Meaning you two and your men are coming with me." She crossed her arms over her chest, thinking she won. But I really did. Because I was getting her to go on a date.

The next night we went bowling, yes bowling. We let the guys choose and ended up there. Amory and Kennedy were in their own little world, up until it was their turn to go. Tuesday and Eric were talking, catching up. My plan was working.

When it was over Tuesday and Eric decided to catch a late movie. She winked at me on the way over to his car, I smiled back. Amory was going to Kennedy;s so my house was open. John and I decided we were gonna go there.

When we got there we ended up making grilled cheese for dinner, he made them for us. I grabbed a coke Zone and a regular coke for him and started upstairs to my room. I don't know why but there was some kind of tension between es, an electricity that couldn't be controlled.

I walked over to the bed, put down my drink and food on the night-stand and went to grab the remote off the TV. he was already sitting on the bed, something he didn't usually do. Most of the time he st at my desk. Breathe, just breathe. I told myself Just cause he's sitting on the bed doesn't mean anything, right? Was tonight really going to be our night? Hopefully. I was ready.

I hopped up next to him and started to eat my dinner. After the first bite I noticed the un- easiness that had settled in my stomach. I put my grilled cheese back onto the plate, then down on my night stand.

"Is something wrong with your food?"

"Um, no. I'm not really hungry anymore. I'll just drink my soda."

"Okay. Here, I'll eat it."

I handed him the plate, then gripped the soda can and took a sip.

"You sure you're alright?" He asked looking at the death grip on the Coke can.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I finished my soda really fast, trying to keep my mouth busy. In a non-sexual way.

"I'll be right back, I gotta go to the bathroom. Do you want me to take those plates?"

"No. I'll take them down." "Okay. Can you get my a glass of water? I'm still kinda thirsty."

"Oh kay." I walked down the hall to the bathroom. Shut the door behind me and locked it. I looked in the mirror and the face staring back at me was scared-looking. So I walked over to the sink and splashed water on my face. I re-applied my make up, took a deep breath and walked back to my bedroom.

John was laying in the center of the bed, so I crawled up to lay by his side. "I love you." I said.

"I love you too."

"I know." I smiled at him.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and started to zone out. I dreamed about the future, what it held. John and I had got married, he'd tour a little while and I'd go along with him. Then we'd settle down, have kids that looked like a perfect combination of me and him. I could see it all there in my mind, then something shook me.

"Babe, I'm gonna go."

"No, stay with me tonight. Please?" I unleashed the full force of my eyes on him (he couldn't resist em).

"Okay. I'll sleep over here tonight." He said chuckling.

I snuggled in closer and then started to fall asleep. That hope for something to happen stored itself away into the back of my mind. Saving it for another day
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Tricked ya ;) Comments, questions. concerns?