A Night to Remember

“A Night to Remember”

A Requested Joick One-shot

Pairing: Joe x Nick

Genre: Fluff x Smut x Romance and a tad bit of past Drama

Rating: Mature or NC-17

Word Count: 3979

Warning: Slash, Incest and Slight Language…fair warning people; Fluff comes first for a reason!! I’ll try not to give you a cavity, but I make no promises.

Requested By: CARLEMMET_whoah!

Summary: Joe decides that its time he and Nick went out on a proper date. A real, honest to God first date. The only problem? Joe’s never been on a first date before. Clueless and nervous, can Joe pull off the perfect first date for Nick?

A/N: B/c she asked me to write fluff and smut all in one piece! And she made me the awesome banner that goes with this, I got right to work on it. Enjoy ladies. =)

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    Warning: This Chapter Contains Slash of the Male/Male Variety.