Status: short story, finished.

Flawed Perfection

Flawed Perfection

Winter always lingered around longer than expected. Snow laying softly on rooftops of small Victorian styled cottages, and on the lawns connecting to beautiful mansions. Icicles hung like pearls on a queen. The cold, crisp air even made the town feel perfect. Even in it's coldest times, this perfect, nameless town still remained flawless. Perfect living dolls, all alive and well. Walking with stiff but straight postures, sitting feet flat on the floor. Gracefully holding themselves together; girl dolls with their gorgeous long curly hair, gothic and lolita styled dresses and corsets holding in any non existent extra weight, and beautiful, porcelain pale skin. Boys showed off tuxedos and suits, with not one wrinkle in sight. They kept their hair neat and in place, and pocket watches had gold and silver chains falling from their grey pockets. Families were the perfect "American Dream", as some would call it back on Earth. With their white picket fences, playful dogs, one daughter who was the sweetest girl on the block, and one son who was talented in all sports possible, with a mother and a father, who had successful lives. And yet, always still found time to love their children unconditionally. Younger couples lived in tiny but cozy cottages, and held hands everywhere they went. Older couples normally didn't last long in this town, but even so, they were just as perfect as the younger couples, and made a fuss over how adorable couples were when they would pass by.
No one exactly knew how the living dolls got there. Legends always flew around, different versions too, but one that was most famous was about a mysterious creator that couldn't do anything but make dolls. The creator placed them in a strange chest, and by morning they would be gone. And this is normally when the different versions come in, but the storytellers say that the dolls just ended up here without explanation.
One day, the town became home to two new dolls.
Chiuki and Raenah. Chi and Rae for short.
Chi had long black hair, pin straight, and cold grey eyes. She appeared in a long satin black dress, with a large silk ribbon tied around her waist. Her skin wasn't exactly pale like the others, and her lips were smaller than most of the dolls. She was shorter, but stick like and thin. And Chi had a star tattoo on her left wrist.
Rae was somewhat an opposite of Chi, but still very different from the population of the perfect town. She wore a white dress, just like Chi's, but with a black ribbon around the waist. She had long hair like Chi, but it was pure white. Her eyes were an icy blue that easily startled most. Rae had a tattoo just like Chi, but on her right wrist.
These dolls were flawed compared to the ones in town. So different on the outside, and even on the inside. These dolls weren't fancy like the others, and didn't go by the rules like others. Chi and Rae didn't care how obvious it was; the other dolls would have to deal with them being in love. Obviously, this made them flawed in the other dolls eyes. Perfect was defined years ago when the dolls first came to life, and now Chiuki and Raenah were defining flawed.
They lived in an abandoned Victorian styled house in the back of the woods, where no other dolls tried venturing to before. At night, the only light there was the candles inside their rickety house and the moon in the sky. The snow hit the worst around their house; living on a small mountain away from other lives didn't make things bright either. When they rarely walked around town, Chi and Rae held hands like all the other couple dolls there. Young children dolls laughed, fairly new couples cringed, and old couples looked away, at least trying not to be rude. Chi and Rae felt shut out from everyone, just for being different. For being flawed. But they made the best of being forced to live in this town, and stuck with each other all the way through. Months later though, things fell apart for the first time in the perfect town.
The first young living doll death in town.
Raenah was dead.
Her pale skin was more white than ever before; she almost blended in the snow around her where Chiuki found her fragile body.
No living doll has cried before, except Chi. Another flaw.
Chi felt the cold enter her porcelain body, and she coughed. Not once has a living doll coughed.
"Maybe we're not meant for this world yet" Chi whispered to Rae's body. "I'm sorry I took away your perfection, Raenah." Chi's left hand gently took Rae's right hand, lacing her fingers between Rae's. Chi began singing softly into the cold, midnight air. It was an eerie, yet beautiful lullaby she sang for Rae every night. But Rae couldn't hear it now.
With Chi's free hand, she moved her shirt down to open the small compartment over the spot where her heart was. Flaw. No other dolls had access to their hearts, because every living doll found love easily, and every living doll couple died together.
Chi took out a small, red glass heart, and felt herself get weak. She was losing color fast, but with a shaky hand, placed the heart in Rae. Chi found it harder to breathe, as Rae woke up and breathed easily. Chi's grip on Rae's hand began to loosen.
"I'm sorry I took your perfection." Chi could only raise her voice to a whisper. Rae only smiled simply, and took out the heart from her body. The snow began falling heavily around them.
"We're flawed. We're like this together." Rae used her free hand to crush the glass heart before laying on the snow covered ground with Chi. They each laced each other's free hands together. Rae felt her breath die down again. And as Chiuki began singing to Raenah again with all the breath she had left, Raenah began to think, Maybe someday being flawed will be okay. I just don't think now's our time... Chiuki's song vanished, and the two flawed living dolls fell into eternal sleep, together.

I promise you my heart just promise to sing.
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep....
♠ ♠ ♠
lol at me putting afi lyrics at the end.[it fit though]
there was a message behind this,
[two actually, but I made it less obvious]
ANYWAYS. yippie.
this kinda failed.