Brought To Life

Shhhh... I did not just post something that they said I shouldn't haha just read this please

I know I know I am not supposed to post a frickin' author's note but guess what I am defying the rules and I am going to post one anyways :P I believe my lovely reader's deserve this author's note/thank you so read ahead my loves.

Hey ya'll I thought that I would make this beautiful author's note for ya guys. I want to thank everyone who read "Brought To Life". I hope ya'll really enjoyed this.

I honestly cannot remember why I cam eup with this idea all I know is that I was laying in my bed one night last year and I thought of that first scene that later made the first chapter. I wrote it in my phones notes section. Never did I think that I would post a whole story about it or that it would get over 8,000 reads... Ya I know that may be a low number compared to some of you amazing writers on here but I think it was pretty good for my first fan fiction that I have posted on here haha.

I will let ya'll know that I do not plan on stopping kat and Nick's journey here. I am hoping that I will be writing some one-shots or multi-shots and maybe even a sequel... I don't know I have just been milling through ideas in my brain.

If ya'll ever got any ideas for a sequel or a oneshot or any new story you can contact me in these ways:
1.) P.M. me! I am on here almost every day and I will read and respond to you as soon as I get it.

2.) you can email me at I check that like five million and twenty times a day no lie so I for sure will get those... just put in the subject something about the site or this story so I know why some weird address is there haha

3.) You can simply reply to this insane authors' note!

I really need a name for this series so suggestions are encouraged. Now on to crediting people and stuff...

I did use some Metro Station lines for like text ring tones and stuff... Mainly all the lyrics in this story were written by me so I guess that is where that credit goes haha but I did use "Please Be Mine" by the Jonas Brothers haha. Ummm... if any of ya'll commented on this story I want to thank you cause honestly I did not think I would get many reviews like at all... You guys have really helped me gain confidence in my writing.

I did start college this week so I may be like insane busy but I will try my hardest to write as much as possible. I have Fridays off and I get a 40 minute break every Tuesday and Thursday so I will write during that time.

I have two stories in the works. One is a Joe fan fic and that will most likely be my next posted story. I just started a new Nick fan fic... I am looking for a beta reader for that one... I put in a request last week but have not gotten a response back thus far so if you are interested let me know. I would like it if my beta reader had previous experience in beta reading just so I can get the help I need but I will consider anyone who wants to offer haha.

Once again I love ya'll and I cannot wait for you guys to read my other stories. Go check out my Joe oneshot:
<p><a href="">
The Great Escape</a></p>
for the time being... I got some reads on it but no reviews so I would love it if you dropped a few lines in that pretty white box below the story hehe.

Oh one last thing before I close the epic authors note follow me on twitter at

<p><a href="">Twitter Me</a></p>

Ok now I am done... contact me through one of the four ways I suggested. I really wanna talk to my amazing readers haha love ya'll!!!!!!!!!

Til next time
