

Chantal Burke is the most popular girl in the school. She comes from a rich family, so she is used to getting whatever she wants. But when an undeniably beautiful boy transfers into her grade, and proceeds to ignore every girl in the school, including her, she’s furious. She vows to be the one to change his streak and winds up plunging head first into a world she never knew existed.


As you can probably guess from the banner, this is a vampire story. It has a couple of references to Twilight, so if you don't like that kind of stuff, this story isn't for you! But otherwise, I hope you enjoy this story!


**Please, I would like it if you do not compare my story toTwilight, because, while it was inspired by it, this story is it's own story and thus separate from the aforementioned work. Thank you.**

All characters and storyline © Broken Doll Productions. Try to steal, and I'll hunt you down and kill you with a rusty toothbrush.