Without You.

Hung Over.

I rolled over, stretching my arms and legs. Opening one eye slowly, I sighed, wishing I hadn't have drank last night. I hesitated moving as my head throbbed against the pillow. Squeezing my temples I made my way downstairs slowly. My bare feet pounded on the carpeted floor, making a small noise. I looked up from my painted nails, seeing my brother's best friend. "Nice outfit. It matches your messy sex hair." He snorted, smiling crookedly. I rolled my eyes as he stood up, towering over me.

"Just.. Shut up. I'm hung over and in no need to deal with you." I growled, walking over to the couch. He let out a laugh, poking my nose.

"I'd like to see you make me." He laughed, sitting back down. I tilted my head slightly, staring at him awestruck.

"I would consider that rape." I retorted venomously, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Can't rape the willing." He smirked, the blondish curls of his hair falling in front of one eye.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed, twitching slightly as I felt my cheeks go red. I quickly cover my face, walking into the kitchen as I heard him laugh loudly. I rolled my eyes, sitting on the counter with the container of orange juice. I heard the door open and shut quickly, causing me to close my eyes. "Go away!" I whined, not looking as whoever walked closer.

"God, sorry for breathing Em." Said the voice, soon recognized as my brother Jussi. I opened my eyes, setting the orange juice on the counter.

"Sorry, I thought it was YOUR MORON OF A FRIEND!" I spoke loudly, wanting him to hear. Jussi rolled his eyes, leaning on the counter.

"I don't know why you hate him so much... All he does is joke with ya." He chuckled, grabbing the container from next to me. I stared at him momentarily, twitching.

"Oh.. Okay. I'll believe that."

"Come on Em! It's almost your eighteenth! Just... Relax." He spoke, looking at me worriedly. I rolled my eyes, giving a small nod.

Hi, my name is Stormy, Em for short; And this, is my story.
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