Working Class Hero

Chapter 2

After everyone settled down, Alix scrambled back in the house to change and clean a little more. Rachel, John, Mike, Billie Joe, and Tre all crashed in her living room and just messed around. Alix's dad came home around 3:30 with two large pizzas. He must have figured people would be over.

"I love you Mr. Carson." exclaimed Rachel while stuffing a full piece in her mouth.
"Looks like you got some competition, Bill." joke Mike.
"I don't know, I think I can take him." answered Billie Joe as he went over to give Rachel a small kiss.

Alix's 5'10'', 220 pound father just laughed. He wasn't tall, but he was built. He had been a construction worker all his life.

When Billie Joe kissed Rachel, Alix's stomach did flips. Rachel and Billie had been dating for three weeks now, and Alix had no problem. Was Alix jealous of her best friend? Why now? She couldn't be; she like John she told herself.

"Well guys, I gotta head home. I got some paper due tomorrow and I don't even know what it's supposed to be about." declared Rachel after she killed three pieces of pizza.
"Since when do you do homework?" questioned Tre.
"Since Mr. King threatened to put me in slow classes." answered Rachel.
"Ha ha then you can be in the same classes as Tre!" exclaimed Mike.
"Mike! I am not in slow classes," began Tre. "I'm in special classes." Everyone just started laughing.
"Sorry man. My bad" admitted Mike.
"Alright, bye guys!" shouted Rachel while walking out the door. Billie Joe ran and gave her a kiss good bye. Nothing special, Alix thought. Her stomach did another turn and she seriously entertained the idea that she like her best friends' boyfriend. It didn't make her feel very good.

It was still pretty early in the day (around 4:30), so they all agreed to go to the skatepark. Alix wasn't particularly gifted in that area, but Billie Joe, John, Mike and Tre were pretty good.
"You all just want to see me fall." said Alix as she grabbed her navy blue skateboard and headed down the street with the rest of the guys.

At the small, pathetic excuse for a skatepark, there were about 20 other people. Alix looked around and decided around 10 of them were punks, 7 preps, and 3 were too drunk or stoned to know where they were. It really didn't matter to her what they were, she got along with everybody. She just though too much.

She looked down at what she was wearing and tried to classify herself. She was wearing a snug white t-shirt, black shorts that ended in the middle of her thighs, and old sneakers. She really didn't have a label. I guess she was a little of everything.

Alix looked at her friends. John was definetly prep. Mike, Tre, and Billie Joe were definetly punk. But it was a weird situation- usually the punks were the 'losers' but those three kind of hung out with everyone. No one really bothered them.

She hated thinking about labels, so she just concentrated on her skateboard.

"You doin' alright there, Alix?" asked Billie Joe a little concerned as to why she was so quiet.
"Yeah, just thinking too much."
"Never think. If you think, you're dumb. That's my motto!" cut in Tre.
"Wow Tre. Your philosophy is brilliant," declared Alix.

"Where'd John go?" asked Tre randomly.
"He said he had to go eat dinner or some stupid shit like that." answered Billie Joe.
By now, everyone was starting to get a little bored just going in circles. It was getting pretty late too, around 8:00.
"Let's go on the halfpipe!" Mike said enthusiastically.
"Oh God, you guys really want to see me break something." said Alix.


"Oh shit! Alix, are you alright!" screamed Billie Joe from the top of the halfpipe.
"Fuck! That hurt!" answered Alix clutching her left wrist.
Billie Joe, Mike and Tre then ran down the half pipe to check on Alix.
"I told you I was gonna break something."
"Shit Alix. I think it is broken." said Mike studying her wrist.
"That was a pretty nasty fall. You're lucky. It looks like all that's hurt." Tre said.
"Come with me. My house isn't far. I'll drive you to the hospital. Mike, Tre, you guys can stay here." said Billie Joe.