Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter One

Adrienne’s Point of View

I walked into my quiet house and looked around, not seeing a sign of anyone. Except for my daughter, Adeline. But she was right on my hip, so of course I knew she was here.I yelled for either one of my sons, but neither of them answered. I sighed and set Adeline down on one of the chairs pulled up to the kitchen table.

"Mommy will be right back , sweetie,” I told the little three year old girl before turning to walk back out the door to the car. I picked up a paper bag containing groceries and noted the weight, hoping they weren’t all going to be extremely heavy. I grabbed another one and walked back inside, mentally cursing my oldest son, Joey, for being late from work. Although it would be nice if anyone who lived there was home for a little bit during the day. I mean, I do live with four other people, excluding Adeline, because, well, she’s too small to do very much. Even a bit small for being three.Plus all of the other teenagers that hung around her house due to Joey and his girl friend Shana living there. She knew Shana would of course be at her best friend Wilo’s. She usually wasn’t at the house much while her boy friend was at work.Although I don’t know why she isn’t here much. I think it may be because she feels a little awkward around Billie and I seeing as we’re Joey’s parents.

Upon knowing all of this, you might understand why I was a bit shocked when I walked in the door to see Shana and Addie playing on the floor. Addie was gasping for breath between giggles as Shana tickled her sides and feet, she knew all of the child’s ticklish spots. After a minute she looked up, finally noticing me standing in the doorway. She smiled up at me before standing up, much to Adeline’s dismay. As soon as she was up, though, she was clutching her stomach and running towards the bathroom. Addie looked at me confused and disappointed, while I just walked over to the bathroom door to make sure Shana was okay.

"Shana, honey, are you okay?” I asked curiously, knocking softly on the bathroom door.

"Yes, I'm fine", she answered coming out of the room.

"Are you sure?" I asked with much concern this time. Looking at her made you just know she was lying. Her blue hair was up in a really messy bun and her normally bright blue eyes now looked dull and gray. Something was definitley wrong.

“Well, um, Adrienne, could you do me a favor?” she asked, biting her lip.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked.
"Will you take me to the store?" she asked a little more relaxed, but still looking nervous.

"Yeah, let me get Addie ready,” I told her, still a little curious as to why she was so nervous. "Not trying to be nosy, but what to you need from the store?"

This made the 16 year-old tense up.Looking worried and scared, she glanced up biting her bottom lip, then looked back at her shoes as if they held the courage she needed. Finallly she took the chance, looked me in the eyes and said exactly what she needed.

"A pregnancy test,” she said strongly.