Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 10

Shana's POV

I woke up the following morning feeling like shit. I went in the bathroom for what felt like my daily routine, well morning anyway. I threw up from the morning sickness and felt hungry. First I looked in the mirror to check my appearance, which looked horrible. I grabbed a brush and brushed out my hair then put it in its usual messed up bun. Then I grabbed my eye-liner and worked my magic with my eyes.I looked back in the mirror. I looked a little better, you couldn't really see the dark circles under my eyes from barely sleeping the previous night.
I walked down in the kitchen to find something to eat, but found something unusual. Billie Joe was sitting at the table, reading some magazine. Okay I know what you're thinking, it shouldn't be odd to see a man eating breakfast and reading at his kitchen table in the morning, but that;s not the case for Billie Joe. He's very busy, I mean you know that, but they're working on a new album and so he's usually never home earlier than 8:00 at night.
So that's why it was strange to see him sitting there that morning, but I came to find later that I was so glad he was.
"Good morning."He said, looking up when he noticed I was in the room.
"Good morning."I said back, walking over to the cupboard to find cereal or something to eat."What are you doing home?"
"We got the day off today, so I thought I'd just hang out here, Is that okay? Not gonna mess up your whole day right?"He asked with that joyful tone of sarcasm dripping from his tounge.
"No, actually I'm glad you're staying, it gives me some company."I said, getting the milk out to pour on my Lucky Charms.
"Good, you're gonna be my company too. And what are you turning into a leprechaun?"He asked, looking at my cereal.
"Yes, and quit looking at my cereal like that or I'll file you for trying to take my Lucky Charms."I told him.
"But there magically delicious."He said.
"Well you can have them, but you have to catch me first!"I yelled grabbing the box and running out of the room and around the house.He ran after me and finally caught me because he was hiding in his and Adie's bedroom when I passed and grabbed me and took the box away.
"I caught you!"He yelled in my face.
"I hear you I'm not def you know."I yelled back at him.
He laughed and got up, running down the stairs and making himself a bowl.
Billie is one of the greatest people I've ever met, and I'm not talking about like me being a weird ass teenie. No, he's like my father how he used to be before my mom died. Caring, understanding, actually giving a shit about what goes on in your kids life. He and Adie took me in practically off the street, and I don't have any idea how I could ever repay them for that.Plus he's got just about as much energy as I do, probably more- which is damn hard to beat.
I walked downstairs and ate my cereal, then the phone rang. My heart skipped a beat as I thought of the events of the day before. I hoped it wasn't who I thought it was.
"Hello."Billie said."Um, sure hang on."
"Shana."He said, handing the phone to me.
My heart pounded in my chest praying it was Wilo or Joey calling, but it doesn't work that way.
"Hello?"I asked.
"Shana Barker?"The voice asked over the phone,
"Yes?"I asked, trying to swallow down the huge lump in my throat.
"We have the results of your test."She said.
"And what are they?"I asked scared to death.