Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 12


Adie and I were sitting in the living room a little while later that day. Shana had started getting restless and wanted out of the house, since she wasn't really used to just sitting around all day. So she and Wilo took Adeline to the park and to possibly get ice cream, which would be a little surprise for Addie if she was good.

"What do you thinks gonna happen with them?"I asked Adie.

"What are you talking about?"She asked confused.

"Shana and Joey. You do know what I'm talking about now right?"I asked her.

"I think, did Shana by chance ever get a call today?"She asked, eying me like she was still a little confused as to where I was going with the idea.

"If you're talking about one from the hospital then yes, she got it at about 12:00."I told her.

"I take it you know everything about the situation already. Did the results come back positive?"She said.

"Yes, she was really upset when she got off the phone and I made her tell me. For a minute I thought it was somebody else calling her. She told me what was happening, but I have a feeling it wasn't the whole thing she was telling me. She must have left out a couple of parts."I said, just know really thinking things over in my head.

At first I was about to rant and rave about Joey getting her pregnant when they're sixteen, but then I started thinking about how scared they must be, well how Shana is, since Joey obviously has no idea about the situation.

"Well, one thing I know is that she's really scared. Not about having the baby, I think she's excited about that. She's just scared because she thinks Joey's gonna leave her and the baby. Her worst fear right now is losing Joey, not being pregnant."She told me.

"And she told you all this?"I asked.

"Yeah, pretty much."She told me.

"Wow."I said.

We sat in silence for a minute.

"What do you thinks gonna happen to them though?"I asked.

"I don't know. You mean like them breaking up?"Adie said, and with saying that her face went flushed."I don't think they will, well at least I hope not. Then what would happen to Shana? And the baby?"

"I don't know, I guess we just got to let it unfold on its own."I told her, now too worrying about Shana, remembering how she came to live with us. Everything that happened to her before was horrible, and I couldn't see her going through that again. I didn't want to know that would be happening. I knew that even if they did break it off, I was still going to make sure Shana was okay all the time.