Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 13


I was lying on the bed later that day waiting for Joey to get home and fighting a battle in my head on whether I should tell him or not, when he walked in the room. I looked up at him shocked. He had just come strolling in our room wearing nothing but a towel around wrapped around his waist and he didn't even care.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked amazed. This was big, even for Joey, but I didn't mean for the sentence to come out like it had.

"Nothing, just dropped my clothes off downstairs because mom wanted to wash them. Geez, what's YOUR problem?" He asked, eying me as if I might attack him without warning at any given moment.

"Nothing, sorry. It's just a little weird having your boyfriend come home with nothing but a towel on." I told him.

"I didn't come home with just a towel on, I came home with clothes on but then I took them off downstairs. So just chill, Shane. Are you sure every thing's okay?" He asked, still eying me suspiciously.

"Yeah, I mean no. Look Joey, we really need to talk." I told him, without thinking of any other words to put that phrase in better.

Joey turned his head to look at me so quickly I'm surprised he hadn't snapped his neck. "Talk about what?"

"It's not like that." I told him, looking into his scared chocolate brown eyes. Definitely not like that, I thought. "You never have to be scared of me leaving you, Joey. I've never even considered it." It's you leaving me I'm worried about, I thought again.

"Then what is it?" He asked.

"Joey, this is going to be really hard to say and I love you so much, that you need to know. I started, pushing aside all fear and doubts and coming up for the finish. "I'm...we're....oh fuck it Joey, I'm pregnant!"

His eyes shot open real wide this time and he just about lost all the color in his face. "You're pregnant?" He managed to choke out quietly.

I nodded my head.

All of a sudden a huge smile spread across his face, confusing the hell out of me.

"We're having a baby!" He yelled picking me up to twirling me around.

"You're happy about this?" I asked. I thought he was going to be pissed, or scared, but happy, never in a million years.

"Yeah, I love babies. And this one will be my own, well our own." He answered, his bright smile never leaving his face.

"But what about school, I mean come on, we are only sixteen." I said.

"No, we'll be seventeen when the babies born, and seniors. Come on Shana, you're one of the smartest in our grade, they would probably let you graduate early. Nine months baby, we have plenty of time to figure it all out." He told me. "And anyway, we have my mom and dad."

As soon as he said that all the color that had returned to his face drained out again. "Oh shit, I forgot about my dad. He's gonna fucking kill me." He said putting his head in his hands.

I bit my lip, a nasty habit I picked up after my mom died. "Billie already knows. I told him earlier."

"You did, what did he say?" Joey asked, looking a little scared.

"Nothing really, but I would just wait to ask him what he thinks on the situation, you know just in case he does want to kill you."

Joey gave a little laugh then looked at me.

"I love you so much, Shana, you're the only person I'd ever want to go through this kind of shit with." He told me, laying down next to me and running his fingers through my hair, something he loved to do all the time.

I smiled at the remark, and leaned in to kiss him, but as soon as I got close enough a little figure with her dark brown hair in little pigtails and green eyes glowing ran in the room and jumped on us.

"Adeline Joe!" Joey yelled, trying to scoot her off of him.

She just giggled and stuck her tounge out at him, then turned around to face me.

"Amona and Wilo are here." She told me. Amona was her attempt to say Ramona, but she could never get the "r".

"Where are they at?" I asked, picking her up off Joey and putting her fully on my lap and glared at Joey for being mean to his little three year old sister, but he just scowled in return.

"Downstairs." She told me.

"Well go tell them to come up here." I said putting her down.

"Okay", was her response as she ran out the door and down the stairs.

"You should be nicer to here, she loves you know." I told Joey.

"I am nice, she just interrupted something special." He said pouting.

"She's only three Joey."

"I know." He said.

Then I crawled across the bed and sat on his lap, whispered "I love you" in his ear, and kissed him lightly.

We kissed a few more seconds until the footsteps heard outside the door came to a halt.

"Damn!" Wilo said, as she and Ramona walked in.

"Free porn?" Ramona asked jokingly plopping down at the end of the bed.

"No." I said, adjusting my top and sitting up. "So what are we doing today?"

"Whatever they hell we feel like." She answered.

"Then let's get going."