Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 14

As we walked down the street, I grabbed Mona's arm and twisted her round and round in a circle like we were little five year olds.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked her in a little kid's voice.

"I don't know, what do you want to do today?" She asked in the same voice I did.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" And it went on like this for another 20 minutes until I looked over and saw Wilo and Joey giving is the death glare because we were being so annoying.

"Let's go to the Booger King!" Ramona yelled.

"Yeah, there. There!" I screamed chasing after her.


"I swear, they could be sisters." I told Wilo laughing as Ramona and Shana ran off into Burger King.

And that's where it really started.

**********5 months later!


I stood in front of the mirror, taking in everything I saw. This would be my last day of school. Joey was still planning on finishing this semester. I twisted the curling iron into my hair, placing my free hand on my ballooned up belly. Joey came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You know I'm gonna really miss you babe." He told me.

"It's only six hours of the day without me. And I'll still be here when you get home, always waiting." I said, motioning for him to step back as I twisted it back out of my hair, then moved on to the last strand.

I turned around to face him smiling at me. I kissed his nose and then sprayed hair spray on my hair, which he hated. Then I heard the clonking of shoes as someone, or two people, came running up the stairs.

Ramona and Wilo burst in the room, Wilo almost in tears.

"I can't believe it's your last day!" She wailed, throwing her arms around me. "What am I going to do with you gone?"

"Oh my god, Wil. You'll be fine. Now let go, your squeezing my baby," I told her.

Ramona smiled and grabbed me and pulled me in a hug too. "It's just not going to be the same. You make everything so fun."

"You guys will be fine. I promise. There is only like 3 more months left and then you'll be out of school too." I said. "Now let's go or we'll be late."

The whole day was such a blur. I had tons of people come up to me saying how much they would miss me or saying good riddance bitch. I couldn't wait to get home.

Joey and I were sleeping on the couch when they're was a loud knock at the door.

I got up and answered it, and almost fell over from who I saw standing there. It was my father.

"Oh my god, Shana? I finally found you." He cried trying to hug me.

I backed away, refusing to hug this man. "Dad, what the hell are you doing here?"

With hearing me say that, Joey got up and snuck to the kitchen, making sure he could get Billie if I needed him.

"I came to find you. I was worried sick. You just left, I thought something happened to you. And then I figured out Wilo had disappeared too." He said, holding his arm out to try and grab me.

I flinched at the sight of the hand coming near me, the hand that had stricken me so many times before. The hand that used to strike my mom. "Well you found me, now what do you want?"

"To take you home." He said simply.

"I'm not going with you. This is my home, and you're not taking me from it." I told him.

"Shana, come on." He said. "I'm your father, now come with me."

"I don't have to." I said.

"Yes you are, now come on." He said, grabbing my arm and trying to pull me. I screamed and soon enough Billie Joe and Adie were standing in the living room.

"What's going on?" Billie asked.

"I'm Shana's father, and I'm here to take her home, with me." He said.

"No!" I yelled, crying and breaking free from his grasp. "I am never going back to that place. I'm not letting you hit me again. Drive me insane. I'm not letting you do to me what you did to mom. We all know why she left that night. How she ended up out in the street hit by a car. It's because she couldn't take your shit anymore and she was trying to leave, to get away. And I am not ending up like her because of you."

"You little bitch." He snarled, bringing his hand down and whacking the side of my cheek.

This was enough for Billie. He grabbed my dad and pulled him away from me, throwing him against the wall. Adie called the police and they quickly came, taking him away.

"I didn't know that's what happened to your mom." Joey said softly,. sitting down next to me as I watched the cops take my dad away, feeling no remorse or sorrow.

"Yeah." I choked,holding back the tears. And then I saw them. They two people I missed so much. My baby brother Scotty, who was 4, and My baby sister Salina, who was 11.

I ran up and hugged Salina, then picked up Scotty bringing him over and setting him down by Joey.

"Shana!" They squealed, hugging me and talking a mile a minute.

I talked to them for a little bit then spotted Salina eying Joey in a weird way. "What's the matter Lina?"

"Nothing, he's like so hot and I'm like sitting right next to him." She whispers back to me.

i giggle, then whisper back. "That's my boyfriend Joey. He and I are having a baby." Then I grab her hand and hold it over my stomach, as she feels her niece kick.

Her mouth makes an "O" shape and I laugh, looking up and seeing my Aunt Audrina talking to an officer. When did she get here?

I walk over as she finished up. She smiled and hugged me, rubbing her hand across my stomach and smiling even bigger.

Then Mike and Tre came over, and as soon as Tre saw my Aunt Audrina, a weird look came over his face.

"Adrianna?" He asked.

"That was my sister." She said. "But you remember?"

Then I got confused as she motioned him in the house to talk to her.