Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 15

We went inside and Salina and I sat on sat on mine and Joey's bed. We talked and watched Scotty and Adeline play on the floor.

Joey had gone and called Wilo and Ramona for them to come over. He walked back in the room and Salina stopped talking and quickly glanced at him before turning her attention to her purple finger nails.

"What did they say?" I asked him as he sat down next to me.

"Well Wilo freaked out a little bit, but they said they were going to come over right now." He told me.

"Okay." I said. Then I put my hand to my stomach as they baby kicked really hard and I felt a shot of pain go through my body.

"Are you okay, babe?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, the baby just kicked. She is getting pretty big and there's probably not a lot of room in there for her." I told him, but I had the feeling it wasn't just that.

Then I heard Ramona laughing and talking to someone downstairs and a few seconds later she and Wilo came running through the door.

"Oh my god, I can't believe your dad found us!" Wilo yelled.

"No, he just found me. And he's in jail so he won't be talking to anyone just yet." I told her.

"Yeah, but still." She started, but looked around the room and stopped. "Salina! Scotty" She cried, running over and picking Scotty up and squeezing him. "Oh my god, you've gotten so big. And you have grown too. God you look so pretty Lina!" She said to my sister hugging her tightly.

Everything she said was true. Last time we saw Scotty he was two, and he had gotten tons taller and his blond hair was starting to get darker. And Salina was absolutely gorgeous from the last time we saw her when she was nine. She was pretty then but now you could see her features starting to show.

She smiled and I looked over at Adeline, who looked totally pissed as she was left out of the whole thing.

"And you, Adeline Joe, are the cutest of all." I told her picking her up and setting her on my lap.

"Yes she is." Ramona said walking over and sitting down next to us. She kissed her on the cheek and Addie smiled, climbing off my lap and onto Ramona's as it was easier for her to sit.

We all sat for a little while longer talking when my aunt called me downstairs into the kitchen. I looked from her to Tre to Billie and Adie to see what was going on. None of them gave away any hint of what they were thinking.

"Shana, there's something we have to tell you." Audrina started. "Just so you know your dad can't come back to get you. He couldn't even have taken you today if he tried."

"Why couldn't he?" I asked, wondering if this was just a trick to keep me from worrying.

"Because..-" She said.

Then Tre cut in. "He's not your real father. Your mother knew it and he does too."

"What are you talking about. Of course he is." I said, confused at where they were coming from. He had been there taking care of me all my life, of course he was my father.

"No he's not. Think about it Shana, look at your hair, well, I mean when it isn't dyed. It's light brown isn't it. And where did you get it from? Your mom had black hair and your "dad" had dark brown. And think about your eyes. Your mom's were brown and your dad's green. But yours amazingly are bright blue, as blue as they come. Face it Shane, he's not your real dad." Audrina told me.

"Well then who is?" I asked, not believing her. This was weird. Of all the years I pretended he wasn't really my dad, I never expected it to be true. And now that I knew it, it became so hard to understand.

"Tre." Those words hit me so hard and fast I almost fell over. I sat down and looked at all of them, expecting someone to pull a face and yell "Just kidding." But it didn't happen. I looked at Tre and he looked back at me and tried to smile, but it just wouldn't come.

"Can I go now?" I choked. "I just want to be alone."

I walked in the living room. Joey amazingly was right behind me as soon as I walked in there.

"You okay babe?" He asked.

"Yeah, this is just a lot to take in right now." I said.

"What happened?" He asked.

I shrugged off his question and game him an I'll tell you later look.

I got up and tried walking to the window, but just as I did a sear of pain shot through me. I gave a cry of pain and gripped the side of the couch. I felt something wet in the carpet next to my foot and looked down to see my broken water splattered on the floor.