Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 16

I let out a loud cry of pain and fright when I felt the first contraction. Joey had looked over to see what was wrong and as soon as he saw what had happened, he ran to the kitchen door yelling for his mother to come help.

Adie, Billie Joe, Audrina, and Tre all came running into the living room. Tre and Billie came running to my side as I let out another cry, the pain seeming to get worse every time.

"Joey, is there a bag packed upstairs for Shana and an outfit for the baby?" Adie asked her son. "Well maybe you should bring two."

"Uh yeah. I'll be right back." Joey said running up the stairs. Up until this point he had been freaking out and running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Five minutes later he, Wilo, Ramona, Salina, Scotty, and Adeline came running downstairs. Well Wilo and Ramona were carrying Scotty and Adeline, but you get the point.

"Okay at least one of the teenagers need to stay here with the kids." Adie said.

The teenagers all looked at each other as if expecting of them to step forward and offer. Of course no one did.

"I'll stay here." Audrina said.

"But it's your niece, don't you want to be there?" Adrienne asked her.

"Yes, but they have probably all wanted to be there the whole nine months. And I have my other niece and nephew to take care of."Audrina said.

"Okay, if you're sure." Adie said.

I screamed from the pain that shot through my stomach again. "Um, sorry to break up this sweet little conversation over there, but I'm having a baby here. Can we go the fucking hospital like now!" I said.

"Yeah let's go." She answered me.

Billie and Tre picked me up and helped me walk outside to Billie's black BMW. I sat in the backseat with Joey and Wilo. Billie and Adie sat upfront.

"Kid I love you, but I swear if you have this baby in my car, I will kill you." Billie said jokingly.

"Whatever." I said annoyed.

When we got to the hospital they put me in a room where I would be staying until I went into the delivering room.

Joey sat at my side holding my hand and rubbing his thumb a crossed it occasionally.

"Are you scared?" He asked me.

"No, I'm jumping for joy, can't you tell?" I said sarcastically.

He looked down at the floor hurt. I then felt bad for saying that to him.

"Look baby, I'm sorry. I'm just in a lot of pain right now. I don't mean anything I saw right now." I told him.

"It's okay." He told me.

Then I felt a huge pain. "Oh my god, Joey, go get the nurse. I seriously think this baby is actually coming out right now." I told him.

He ran out to get the nurse and she came in and checked how far I had dilated. She told me I was ready and they brought me into the delivery room.

Let me tell you everyone in that room was pissing me off. The damn doctor kept telling me to push and so didn't Adie.

"I see a head!" Joey yelled.

"Then grab it and pull her out of there!" I screamed to him.

Then I heard the sound of a baby crying. My eyes welled up with tears. It was just something about hearing my daughter cry for the first time, I was so happy.

They handed her to me and she was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. She looked up at me with big brown eyes and a coat brown peach fuzz covered her little head. She was so small. I was very happy. But then I felt another rush of pain, feeling like another contraction. I screamed causing my baby to start crying too. The nurse took her and the doctor checked to see what was wrong with me.

"What's going on? Is she okay?" I heard Joey ask the doctor sounding really scared.

"Shana is fine. You guys are having twins." The doctor said.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"Yes, there's another one coming. So, Shana, I need you to push again." She said.

I pushed. This one came out easier. I only had to push about four times to get the baby out. Suddenly the room was filled with the sound of a baby crying once again.

"It's a girl." The doctor told me happily.

I reached for my second daughter, holding her in my arms. She was tiny like her sister. Probably because they were about two weeks early of their due dates. She had the the same big brown eyes as the other one and the coating of brown peach fuzz at the top.

The nurse came and took them to weigh them and clean them off. She finally returned and handed one of the girls to me and the other to Joey.

"Oh my god, twins." I said.

"I know. And they're so beautiful." Joey said.

"You know, we never talked about names." I told him.

"I know. What did you have in mind though?" He asked.

"Well I only have one picked out since we didn't know there would be two. But it was Bobbie Joe, and call her B.J. for short." I told him.

"It's cute. What about Adrianna for the other one?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said to the little child in my arms. "Adrianna Rae-Lynne. Just like your grandma."

Joey smiled.

Then Tre- well I guess I could say my dad, Billie, Mike, and Adrienne came in the room. Adie had left several minutes before to tell everybody, so she missed the part of there being two.

"Oh my god, where'd the other one come from?" Adie asked.

"My belly." I told her. "Now come her grandma."

She held Bobbie, looking over her and cooing and 'aww'ing over the little baby.

"Come here." I said to Tre.

He did and handed him the small bundle that was Adrianna.

He looked took her and looked down at the little baby.

"How's it feel to be a grandpa?" I asked him, still running the thoughts over in my mind trying not to make it sound too stupid.

He looked up at me and smiled even bigger than he already was. "Wonderful. She's beautiful? What did you name her?"

"Adrianna Rae-Lynne." I told him, watching him to see what he would say.

He just smiled. "Yeah, it matches her perfectly." He told me.

I looked across the room and saw Billie Joe had Bobbie by now.

"And what did you name this little one?" He asked grinning widely.

"Bobbie Joe. Call her B.J., Beej, whatever." I told him.

He smiled at me. "Well then hi there little Beej."

Mike held Adrianna next. "God she is beautiful. Well they both are, they're identical." He said laughing.

"Yeah." I said.

What I always dreamed of having, identical twins.