Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 17

The band left the room and all of a sudden two more people came running in. Ramona sat on the bed next to me.

"Give me one, I want to see my niece. Wow I never thought I would be saying that this soon." Ramona said picking up Anna.

"So I'm guessing they told you. And I know, before you probably suspected a niece or nephew coming from Franky, and they wouldn't be happening for years." I said. Franky was Mona's eleven year old brother.

"Yeah, well he better not be." She said.

Wilo picked up Bobbie and wouldn't stop telling me how adorable she was.

"What are their names?" Mona asked.

"Well your holding Adrianna Rae-Lynne and Wilo had Bobbie Joe." I said.

Ramona laughed. "Sounds like the little monkey." She said.

"Well she's Joey's child, she probably will be a little monkey." I told her.

Joey glared at me and Mona, Wilo, and I all laughed.

Then the nurse came in to talk to me.

"Both of the babies are perfectly healthy. Adrianna weighs 6.6 lbs. and is 20 inches long. Bobbie came out weighing a little bit more. She weighs 6.9 lbs., but is also 20 inches long. And very cute I might add." The nurse told Joey and I smiling.

"That's great, they were about 2 weeks early so I expected them to be smaller but they're not that small. And thank you, I know they're very beautiful. They look just like their daddy." I told her.

"Yes, they do." She said looking at Joey and comparing him to the twins. "You're very lucky. Most people don't get blessed like this there first time. It is your first time right?"

"Yes. My boyfriend, Joey, and I are only seventeen. The pregnancy wasn't really planned, but now I'm so glad it did. I never knew this feeling would be so great becoming a parent and having something that is your responsibility. I think it's going to be really awesome." I told her.

"Well I wish you luck, but I have to get back to my other patients. I'll make sure to come back in and check on you before I leave. Bye." The nurse said walking away.

So we just sat and talked for the rest of the time, the band and the teens took turns coming in and out of the room until visiting hours were over. Then me and Joey were left alone with the babies for the first time that day. And boy was that fun. At least we had the nurses.