Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter Two

Adrienne’s Point of View

I stared at the girl shocked. I mean, she couldn’t have just said what I think she did, could she? I mean, she can’t be pregnant. That would mean that Joey, my son, my baby would be a dad! At sixteen! It’s not that I don’t love kids or anything, and of course I want grandchildren, but I didn’t want it happening for at least another ten years! Twenty for Adeline!

"Could you repeat that?" I asked, probably sounding like I was stupid.

"I need a pregnancy test," Shana said again. "I think I'm pregnant."

"What makes you think that?"

"I'm sick all the time. I can smell everything- including Joey when he gets home from work. I've been really moody and emotional the past two weeks. And I’m five weeks late for my period," she answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh," I said. There wasn’t much to deny to that. She hit the major points perfectly.

"Well, then let's get going before Billie and Joey get home,” I said quickly.

"Okay just let me change first," Shana said before running up the stairs. Five minutes later she came running down the stairs in a pair of red plaid golfer pants and a Panic at the Disco shirt.

"Let's go,” she said, picking Addie up and running out towards the car.

Ten minutes later we stood in the drug store looking at different brands and trying to find one that would be the most accurate.

"Here we go," she said picking one out.

"Umm.. maybe you should get two," I suggested. "You know, just incase."

She nodded and picked up another one.

"Let's go get this over with,"she said walking to the checkout counter.


Shana’s Point of View

Fifteen minutes later I sat on my boyfriends bedroom floor waiting for the results. And all I can think about is how I’m going to fucking kill him if he knocked me up. He spent two months trying to get me to have sex with him, and look what happens. I finally give him my virginity, and now I’m sitting in our room waiting for the results of a god damn pregnancy test!

It seemed like I waited forever for the symbol to show up on the first one, and when it finally did, the only words that could form and leave my mouth were; “Holy shit!”