Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 3

Looking down at the little box I started freaking out. The plus sign in it was not something I entirely wanted to see. Well maybe this one is dysfunctional, I thought to myself. Good thing i bought the other one.
So I waited another 5 minutes for the second one to be finished. I wasn't prepared to look at this one either, partly because i had actually convinced myself that it would be negative, but of course that wasn't the case with this cause. I looked down to gaze at the second plus sign. Oh shit! No this can't be happening!
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As I walked downstairs my eyes met Adrienne's and she didn't even have to ask what the outcome to either of them were.
"Oh my god." She said.
"Don't say that , Adie," I told her. "He's not listening right now anyway."
"Oh Shana you shouldn't say that either." She told me.
"Well it's really how I feel." I said. ":I mean for fuck's sake Adie I'm pregnant. What the hell am I supposed to do?" I asked putting my head in my hands.
"I think you should check with the doctor before you make any major decisions." She offered.
"Yeah you're right, will you take me?"
"Right now?
"But what about-
She was interrupted by Jakob walking in the door. I smiled.
"Well there's your answer." I whispered. "Hey Jake, would you watch your sister while me and your mom run to the store?"
"Sure, I guess." He said. "For how long?"
"Oh about an hour or two."I said.
"Okay but what are you two gunna be doing for an hour or two?"He asked, very curious.
"Oh, girl stuff, ya know."
"Okay whatever."
I walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek."Thanks Jakey, you're a lifesaver!"
Then Adie and I walked out the door and left for the doctor's office.