Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 4

*in Adie's car*
I have to admit I'm scared as hell right now. I mean I picked the test's that were supposed to be the most accurate, and both came out positive. What if the one at the doctor's office did too? I don't know if I'm ready for this. Well we'll just have to wait and see.
We got there and I signed in. When I sat in the chair I just wanted to sink into it, have all this just go away. I prayed to god they would never call my name, but god must not have been listening then.
"Shana Barker?" The nurse called out. Adrienne quickly gripped my hand for courage, but quickly released it. I wish she would come with me, but when I looked back at her she nodded her head for me to follow the nurse. I got up and walked to the room with her. Then I waited for him to come in. He finally did and greeted me with a fake smile on his face.
"Hello Shana!"He said
"Hi...." I answered
"And what are you here for today?" He asked with that fake smile still plastered on his face.
"I need a pregnancy test." I told him.
"Oh okay, but aren't you a little young to be taking one of those?" He asked stupidly.
Oh my god, I thought, What century do you live in, the 1800's?
"I guess." I answered, deciding not to be a total smart-ass.
He gave me a cup then showed me the bathroom. I locked the door, did what I needed, and gave him the cup.He told me the results should be in in 1-2 days. Then Adie and I left.