Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 5

Okay before we go any further, you're probably wondering how everything started up. Well first off, I didn't grow up in Oakland, and neither did my best friend Wilo Daniels. We're actually from Ohio. Conneaut if you want to be exact. If you're not familiar with where that is, it's exactly on the sharp point of north-east Ohio. It's a boring little town with nothing to do. We wanted adventure, a fresh start. Wilo's reasons were her mom and dad didn't want her. She was the oldest of three kids, and her parents only gave attention to her brother and her sister.They really stopped caring after a while. My reasons were my mom had died when I was 14, and my dad always blamed me, then it started getting worse and he began hitting me. We both fed up with what was going on inside our broken homes.

So last summer we packed all our shit up and ran. I'm not entirely sure why Oakland stood out to me so much, but that's where we ended. I loved being there, everything was beautiful there, and Wilo wanted to meet her idol, Billie Joe Armstrong, I couldn't even tell you how much she loves him. So we stayed. We were there for a month staying in a shitty hotel room, but that was before we met Joey or Ramona. I met Joey first. And I can remember the day perfectly.

July 7, 2010

I was bored and Wilo was asleep. I didn't feel like waking her up, but I was bored out of my mind. So I decided to do explore Berkeley. I left her a note saying I'd be back around 5.

So I left and decided to find a mall. I walked around until I found it then went inside and found a Hot Topic. I went in to see if there was anything worth buying, but found nothing I really wanted to take home- except the cashier.

I noticed him watching me as I walked around the rack in front of the checkout counter. So when he walked out to get something off the wall for somebody, I pretended to be checking out a pair of shoes, but in reality it was him I was checking out him. He was pretty hott. He had dark brown hair that fell to just above his ears. As for the body, let's just say he had the greatest ass I've ever seen, even through jeans you could tell. He was skinny, but still had a little to him. But that was just the back of him. He turned around and caught me staring at him. He smiled , god his smile was fucking awesome! His eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown. He looked really familiar, but I just couldn't place it.

When he started walking towards me, I panicked. I didn't know how a looked, but I was sure I looked like a total mess . He finally got to me and smiled, making me almost melt.

"Hi, I'm Joey."He said.
"I'm Shana."I said.Oh my god, I just met this guy and I'm already getting this football sized butterflies.
"Uh , my shift just ended and I was wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat with me?"He asked a little nervous.
"Sure I'd love to."I said probably a little too excitedly.I sighed, geez I must sound like I'm really desperate.I put my hand in my hands.
"What's the matter?"He asked, confused .
I looked up at him staring into his eyes."Nothing it'sjust, you probably asked that to be nice, and now I probably look like a desperate loser."
"You're wrong."He said.
"What?"I asked confused.