Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 6

"I didn't ask you that just to be nice."He told me."I asked you that because I like you, a lot."
"Oh you think we could take this conversation somewhere more private?"I asked.I really didn't want to confess how I felt in the middle of Hot Topic.
"Yeah that sounds good."He said, taking my hand and leading me out of the store into and alley behind the mall.
"Okay first off, what I said-"
I cut him off by pressing my lips to his.We stood like this for a couple seconds before he pulled away.
Wait, you didn't even let me finish."He said.
"Joey it doesn't matter, I really like you too. I mean you're the hottest guy I've ever seen."I told him.
He blushed looking at his feet.
"Now where were we?" I joked, kissing him again.
"Do you really wanna continue this here?"He asked, motioning around the alley.
"Yeah you're right, but where else are we supposed to go?"I asked him.
"My house is like 5 minutes from here."He offered.
"Yeah let's go there.
Five minutes later, we kicked off our shoes and ran up to his room.We sat on his bed kissing softly.Then he laughed as I playfully tugged off his shirt.
"Hey I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm not a slut."He joked.
I laughed. "I know, but I just really wanted to check you out some more."
"Oh really."He said wiggling his eyebrows.
He took me in his arms again and began kissing me, but then his hands moved up a little from my waist until one was on each boob, then he moved them towards the center and started undoing the buttons on my shirt.
"Hey, Joey stop!"I said breaking away.
"What?"He asked.
"Well remember how you said you weren't a slut, well I'm not either. And I don't wanna really do anything too forward, and if the shirt thing was for you, I'm sorry."I told him.
"No, it's okay. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have did that. You're just so damn beautiful."He said trying to kiss me again.
I moved my head, making him miss. "Oh you're so sweet."I joked.
Then I laid back on the bed in a sexy pose."Oh Joey, take me now!"I moaned.
He laughed and after a minute I started cracking up too.Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down with me.
He kissed me hard, pushing his tounge past my lips. We made out like this for a while before stopping all together.
We laid on the bed really close together, his arms wrapped tightly around me. This moment was perfect, everything felt so right and I never wanted it to end. We talked like we had known each other forever, not just a couple of hours. All of a sudden my cell phone started ringing, which was really weird because it was in my front pocket and set on vibrate.
"Wow what's that? You must really like me."He joked.
"Yeah, will you excuse me."I said, looking at the caller I.D. It was Wilo.
"Hey!"I said.
"Hey, "She answered, "Where the hell have you been? I woke up and your note said you'd be home by 5. It's 6:30.
"Holy shit, sorry Wilo, I wasn't really paying attention to the time."
"Well I was getting worried, I thought maybe you'd been kidnapped walking around town."She said.
"No I didn't, well I sorta did, but I asked for it." I said laughing. "I met someone today."
"Oh really, what's his name?"She asked.
"Yeah," I said, "Hang on minute."I said putting the phone down and turning to Joey.
"Um, I feel weird asking this, but would it be okay if my friend came over? You know, so you guys can meet?"I asked him.
"Yeah."He said, not looking up at me which I thought meant he really didn't want to.
"I mean she doesn't have to if you don't want her to."I added quickly
"I said yes didn't I."He said, sounding annoyed.
"Okay but don't talk to me like unless you want to get beat."I said.
"Hurt me."
"Try me."Then I jumped on him, but stopped when I heard Wilo's voice yelling HELLO! over the phone.
I picked it up. "Oh shit, sorry Wil." I told her. "Wilo do you wanna come over here and hang out for a little bit?
"Yeah, sounds cool."She said.
"Wait, Shana, there's just one thing I need to tell you guys." Joey said, a little uncomfortably.