Status: Permanent Hiatus

Mistakes in the Dark Turn to Blessings in the Light

Chapter 9

When we got home Billie Joe and Joey were already there. I pretty much jumped out of the car and into Joey's arms. We kissed for a while. This is how I wanted to feel forever, safe in Joey's arms.

I was sitting outside with my dad and Tre when my mom and Shana got home.Shana was put of the car almost before it stopped. She jumped into my arms and stuck her tounge down my throat. I kissed her for a minute the put her down.
"Hey baby, did you miss me?"I said laughing.
"Yes!"She said hugging me.
"Okay, let's go inside."I said grabbing her hand and pulling her through the door and up the stairs.
I sat on the bed and she laid next to me. She pulled me down to kiss her and we made out a little bit before she broke away to take off my shirt.
"Hey, go turn on some music so they can't hear us and lock the door."I told her.
"She got up looking annoyed, but did it anyway. When she came back she kissed me again, but it was a short rough kiss. She then started moving down to my neck, nipple, stomach,and then..well you know. She knew exactly what to do and it felt so good! When she was done we started undressing each other and well you get where this is going! =)

"I love you so much, Joey."She said when I woke up.
"Right back at you, baby."I told her.
She lifted her head to look at me."What did I ever do to deserve you?She asked.
"I could ask you the same question."I said, staring into her blue eyes.I felt the whole feeling of falling in love come over me again as I did this.
She flipped on the t.v. as I lay playing with her light blue hair.I finally sat up.
"Mmm, what are we watching baby?"I asked stretching.
"Whatever is in your dvd player."She said."probably some weird ass porno."
"Hey that's not all I watch, you know."I told her defensively.
"Yeah but it's most of it."She said.
"Yeah, well you like watching them too."I threw in her face.
"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm watching whatevers in there."She said.
"Whatever."I said, pulling her down and cuddling her while we watched Ghost in a Teeny Bikini.