Claud Faust


Cassey couldn’t believe her eyes. She couldn’t react to what was happening!
It happened too fast.

Cassey was confused on what to do first.

Firely it may seem it was a display of tragic art and beauty.
As it ran towards the shade of trees it left behind an imprint of scenery.

“Wait!” Cassey shouted.

Cassey left her car and ran after it towards the woods.
It was getting dark still she ran and ran following the burning light. Cassey was catching her breath as she was running as fast as she could to catch up. Only one thing was on her mind.

“Was that really Claud?” Cassey thought.

Then she ran on to a dead end. It was a cliff and below it was a dried river.

“Don’t tell me he jumped from here?” Cassey asked herself while gasping heavily.

She trailed the riverbank from the top and found a person below at the other side of the bank.

Cassey hurriedly went down to check on that person. She noticed that it was Claud and what’s left to his uniform.

Claud saw Cassey nearing towards him looking worried.

“Why are you here?” Claud asked while catching his breath. He was partly surprised to see her out on the woods alone.

Cassey got nearer when she suddenly stopped. She saw Claud’s wounds were healing on its own at a very fast rate. She was stunned on what her eyes were witnessing.

Cassey was surprised to see that beside Claud’s clothes he was unharmed, no mark from being burned.

“That is impossible” Cassey thought to herself.

“I said why are you here?” Claud repeatedly asked.

Cassey: What the hell is wrong with you?
Why are you. . .why. . .is your body healing so fast?
I can’t understand!
Claud: Then don’t understand!
Get out of here!
Cassey: I have to call an ambulance!
Claud: No! You can’t do that!
Cassey: What the hell is happening!

Cassey slowly walked backwards away from Claud. She was catching her breath while she was crying --- crying because of confusion and fear.

Claud then went to grab Cassey’s hands and said;

“Please understand my situation”

Cassey: Let go of me freak!
Claud: Cassey listen to me!

As Cassey was struggling to get free she didn’t notice her curse was starting again and that she was slowly turning transparent. She was shaking and her heart was beating faster and faster.
Claud noticed Cassey was flickering like a broken light bulb and so he let go off her.

“No it’s happening again!” Cassey shouted.

Claud: What is happening to you?

Cassey screeched and shouted!

“Don’t come near me freak!”

Cassey’s body was rapidly changing color and blinking fast. It was devouring her whole body.

“No. No!” She screamed.

Cassey ran in panick and accidentally slipped bumping her head on to a rock leaving her unconscious.

“Cassey!” Claud shouted.

He immediately ran towards Cassey when suddenly a person on a black coat appeared out of the woods and shouted;

“Stop! Don’t come any closer!”
Claud paused he’s pace and looked at the Man.

“Who are you?”

Man in black coat: Go away don’t come near her.
Claud: Who are you to tell me what to do?
Man in black coat: You can’t help her, just go before she awakens!

Claud was confused. He wanted to run but he’s body can’t move as if something was stopping him.

The Man slowly walked towards Cassey’s body but as he was getting nearer he’s body is reacting violently. The man’s body figure was rapidly building up increasing his body mass. His eyes were turning all black while his clothes were ripped off because of his body getting enormous.

Claud: What the hell is happening here?
Man in black coat: I said go away! I can still handle this! Aaaaaaaaaaaagggggggghhhhhhh!

Claud became the audience of heaven’s unusual way of painting power,
A way to intimidate A humans mind of curiosity.

Claud still couldn’t move.

He just stood trembling from fear, looking at a monster.
Watching helplessly with a cold sweat and a dry throat.

Cassey was still unconscious as Claud looked at her with confusion. He doesn’t even know this girl except for the fact that she was his classmate. He couldn’t believe his destiny could turn out to be like this and he was a witness of it.

“What are you people?” Claud confusingly asked.

The man’s body color changed and turned into pure black and it was steaming with heat. His body was full of lines connected to each other tracing his vains. Its color was pure white and it was generating energy like power similar to a current of electricity.
Obviously, he lost his mind. He couldn’t contain the power inside him and became a mindless walking brute.

The man tuned into Claud and walked slowly. The very grounds were shaking as he stomped and showed dominance upon his size.

Claud tried to fight the power that was ruling over his ownbody. But it was useless, He was powerless and weak against it.

A broken hymn of lyrics were released in the air. An invitation from the unknown full of despair.