Claud Faust

I know your secret

When Cassey woke up she was on Claud’s room. It was already late that night. She peeked through the window beside were she lay and saw the streets were empty and shrouded by darkness.

The door opened.

“So you’re awake?” Claud asked.
They paused and stared at each other for a while.

Where am I? What did you do to me?” Cassey anxiously asked.

“Actually I have the same question” Claud whined.

“I don’t know how we got here in my house” He added.

Cassey immediately opened the window and tried to escape.

“Are you crazy!? What are you doing?” Claud shouted and grabbed Cassey’s left arm from behind.

“Let go of me freak!” Cassey shouted.

Claud paused and let go of Cassey. He was insulted of what Cassey said to him. Who could blame her; He’s a freak who can regenerate.

“Look, if you want to go then go, I won’t stop you but please don’t tell anyone what happened to me today. Do you think I want this curse carried around me? I don’t expect you to understand but please I’m begging you don’t tell anyone my secret. You don’t know what it feels to be despised and left alone.”

Cassey looked at Claud and stared at his eyes. It was dull and lonely. She noticed Claud’s scar on his forehead.

“What happened to your forehead?” She asked.

Claud didn’t answer. He moved away and walked to the door.” You can stay here for the night if you want, I’ll be downstairs”

“Claud, your secret is yours and my secret is mine. Secrets are secrets no matter what they might be”. . .
♠ ♠ ♠
well its short. .

I really have no idea about this chapter but ow well.

comment me about anything you don't like.^__^