Status: Hiatus

Lie Awake In Bed At Night

Awkward No?


I could hear shouting upstairs, not exactly sure what it is but I'm not that interested. Mikey and Frank are there so they don't need me. It's all good. I hope.

I'm drawing right now. I just got that sudden urge. You know those ones? Where it's like, so strong you just have to pick up a pen or pencil and draw. Whether it be something amazing or the smallest doodle you've ever done. Yeah. I got one of those.

And that is how a cute little Frankie drawing is staring back at me. I've added a small love heart near his head. He's not a real life drawing, no. I've done enough of them already. This is more of a weird cute chi kind of cartoon. I like it.

He's so beautiful.

Knock knock knock

"Gerard?" My heart seriously beats an extra 5 beats when I hear his voice echo through the door to my room and in my ears.

"Yeah! Hang on," I get up and straighten down my pants and shirt.

I don't know why. It's just a habbit i've formed around Frank.

I open the door and he stands there smiling slightly. I don't even bother to move for a few seconds until he asks if he can come in. Which is when I realise I was blocking the door way and I feel the familiar feel of a blush. Stupid hormones.

"So, what was happening upstairs?" Frank sits where I was just sitting, swivelling on the office chair.

"Ahhh Bob and Ray came back over and Jess kind of, got pissed," Frank shrugged his shoulder, which obviously meant to me that nothing too bad happened between Jess and Bob.

"Fair enough. No deaths then?"

"Nah. Kinda sucked. I was looking forward to a fight. But what ever right?" He laughs a little before turning on the chair and stopping, looking down at my desk.

Oh. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Oh. No. No. Please no. I. I put my drawing away right- oh fuck I didn't!

"U-uhhh. Gee?" Frank doesn't look up from my desk.

I stay quiet. What the fuck do I say to him to make the situation less awkward?

"Gerard. Hey is this a uhhh. A umm. Is this me?" Frank finally turns and looks at me, bringing my chi Frank with him, holding it up near his face.

"Uhhh. M-Maybe?" I fumble with my words as I fiddle with my fingers in my lap.

God this is not happening.

"Oh," Is all he says.

I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"It's uhh. It's good," I look up and Frank is smiling slightly, nodding his head slowly before biting his lip.

"Th-Thanks," I almost whisper it, feeling the burning of tears threatening my eyes.

Why did he have to see that?

"Umm. Well, I might ummm. Go. Take. Ren and yeah. ummm. S-see ya dude,"

The door closes quietly and I sigh before walking over to my desk and sitting down. I shake my head at my carelessness.

I look at my desk and feel a little smile.

He took the drawing.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO FUCKING SORRY! Ren was like bugging me and I was either busy or just NOT here.

This was meant to be done last night but I was kinda out with friends... So here it is now.


xxx jess