Status: Finished

Things Have Changed

You're From A Small Town

“Wait, I still can’t believe this.”

I rolled my eyes “Lilly, it’s been two weeks, believe it.”

“I. Am. Going. On tour with Panic! At The Disco! I get to take photos of them all day...every day!”

“Please don’t start stalking them... or planting cameras in the showers.”

She rolled her eyes “ Please Liz, I’m at least half professional, unlike you.”

I glared at her “Do you still want to go with me or not because you’re being a bitch and I won’t hesitate to leave you behind.”

“No, don’t! I’m sorry, I’m on my period.”

“Lilly, too much information” I said, a disgusted look on my face.

“Sorry, I’m just really excited!” she squealed bouncing into the waiting taxi leaving me to load the luggage into boot.

We arrived at one of the many four and a half star hotels in inner London. Parked outside was the tour bus. It was black with Panic! At The Disco written across the side in red circus type. Dotting the footpath were hundreds, and I mean hundreds of screaming girls.

We quickly made our way to the safety of the hotel lobby. We approached the reception “Hi” Lilly smiled, she was always better with people than I was “We’re here for Panic! At The Disco.”

The middle aged receptionist rolled her eyes “Panic! Have already stated that they are not requesting any groupies.” I choked on my coffee.

“Oh, we-” Lilly started.

“Excuse me! Am I a groupie? Do I look like a groupie to you?” I yelled.

“Do you really want me to answer that?” The receptionist said.

“You bi-”

“Liz shut up” Lilly snapped. She dug around in her handbag and pulled out her NME pass. “I’m a photographer and the loud mouth over here is a journalist, we’re here because we’re going on tour to report on the band.”


“Yeah, that’s right” I told her “I could have you sa-”

“Liz, shut up, gosh!”

We were taken up to a hotel room on the 14th floor, given a card and left at the front door. We didn’t even have our bags carried for us, quite a few complaints were defiantly going to be filed tonight.

I unlocked the hotel room and fell over my bags on my way inside.

Inside, there was a large bald man. He sighed loudly “I thought we told the receptionist that we didn’t want any groupies!”

“Oh my god, I am not a fucking groupie, do I look like a fucking groupie” I yelled “I’m a journalist, who is reporting on the band. Not a damn groupie.”

“Liz?” Ryan peered into the room.

“And you!” I growled storming over to him “Why the heck did you request for me to report on you guys for a month. I mean, I know you wanted me to go on tour with you but this is-”

“Wait Liz, I didn’t request you.”


“I didn’t request you; did you honestly think I wouldn’t listen to you?”

“No” I said slowly “So who requested me?”

“Umm, that would’ve been me.” We turned to see Jon standing in the archway.

“What?” Ryan and I both said in shocked voices.

“Yeah, y’know, we didn’t really give you too much to write with last time, so I thought we could, y’know, make it up to you by getting you this job.”

I hit my head against the wooden door wake up Liz, wake up.

Brendon appeared in the room “Hey guys who’s the jour- oh no, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He laughed bitterly.

Ella and Spencer came in with shocked faced before sending near identical cold glares in my direction and storming off.

Brendon however stayed around “So this was the grand plan Jon. The best journalist! Do you have shit for brains or something! There was a reason we were being dickheads to her for fuck’s sake she’s a fucking slu-.”

“Come on Bren” Ryan sighed “Can’t we just be civil?”

“Be civil” Brendon yelled running his hands through his short hair “Why the fuck should I be civil to her! She’s a fucking whore who I never wanted to see again and now she’s on fucking tour with us for two fucking months. I have to put up with seeing her fucking face every time I wake up!” Brendon shouted picking up an expensive looking vase and throwing it at the wall sending the body guard scrambling for cover. The vase hit the wall with such force it made me jump and smashed to pieces Brendon left the room muttering various profanities as he slammed the door behind him.

“I better go get him” Ryan said with a worried sigh as he and the security guard followed after him.

“Great” Jon sighed flopping onto the couch “Now everyone’s pissed at me.”

“Don’t worry” I said simply “People are constantly pissed at me.”

“Because you’re a journalist?”

“No, people just hate me.”

“Excuse me, I am here you know!” we both turned around to see Lilly standing in the doorway, both hands on her hips.

Opps, I forgot about her.

“Jon meet Lilly, Lilly meet Jon.”

We talked for a while longer. Spencer and Ella came in and took their luggage out without even saying a word to us, but apart from that there were no other interruptions turns out we were becoming pretty good friends with Jon.

“Hey guys” the security guard came back inside “Lets grab your stuff and get ready to go.”

“Have you found Brendon yet?” Lilly asked.

“Nope, Ryan’s still looking for him.”

We made our way outside to be greeted by high pitch squeals from girls who were now being held back by police.

We finally got onto the bus. It was small, very small. Ella and Spencer were sitting in the lounge when we got in.

“Urrgh, can’t they afford their own bus” Ella sighed speaking for the first time since we got here.

I walked into the bunk area, it was tiny. It seemed that where ever you go you were always in some one’s face.

I sat down on my bunk and sighed this, sure does make for an interesting tour.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, where has everybody gone? What happened to the comments, I apologise for taking so long to get this out but the least you all do is comment! Honestly, it's really disheartening when you spend hours writting these stories and see...two comments. Thank you so much for the people who have been commenting, now that Brendon's back hopefully a few of you silent readers will come out from the wood work.

In other news, after this story is finished I have 4 possible stories running through my head.
1) Ryro annorexia story - not as cliche as it sounds, trust me, there is a twist.
2) Ryro and Bden story - not a slash
3) Bden highschool AU
4) Mainly Ryro vampire with a twist featuring FOB, Bden and WB
Tell me which one you'd rather...please and the most popular may be the next story to come out after this one finishes. :)