Status: Finished

Things Have Changed

Boy, I'm In A Daze

The girl, Jessica, was gone by the time I woke up the next morning. Brendon came into the living area of the bus, a stupid grin plastered on his face. I tried to be angry at him but when he pouted at the toaster for burning his toast I couldn’t help but smile at him. He gave me a confused look and I quickly put on a fake scowl and returned to my laptop.

We were on the road, driving out along dirt roads to our next location. After giving a “Do not disturb” speech I was left alone to focus on my writing in my bunk.

“Alright! This is the last stop for eight hours!” our driver yelled from the front of the bus. I squealed throwing my laptop of my lap and running off the empty bus. I looked around a few boutiques finding a few tops which would look great on me before realising that I left my purse on the bus.

I ran back to the service station where the bus was to notice that the bus wasn’t there. Yeah, fanfuckingtastic, I had been left behind again. I checked my pockets before realising that I had left my phone on the bus. Cursing loudly I walked into the service station, wondering around while I waited for them to come back.

“Come on man, just give me a damn cell card, no, I wasted all my money on chips. Did you just call me stupid? Well if you called me stupid than I call you an ass. Yeah, that’s right keep ignoring me. That’s because you can’t beat the Urienater.”

I followed the voice to see Brendon standing at the counter of the service station his hands crossed over his chest and his hip popped to the side. I rolled my eyes “The Urienator?”

“Ohhh, so you’ve been left behind too.”

“Yes, I’ve been left behind with the Urienator, you do realise that does sound a lot like urinal?”

“Shut up and don’t bag my name,” he whinnied “hey do you have any money I could borrow?”

“Nope” I told him, walking outside and sitting in the gutter of the road.

I sat there thinking for a while when it dawned on me, Brendon and I had a civil conversation. I smiled to myself a nervous feeling bubbling in my stomach.

Brendon came outside and sat down next to me.


I looked over at him and smiled “So...”

He rolled his eyes sighing loudly “Well you’re real great at starting conversations.”

“Well since when did you want me to start a conversation with you?” I challenged.

“Since I got kicked out of the service station.”

I laughed “Yeah, if you’re challenging the guy to a battle with the Urienator I’m guessing you would get kicked out.”

After waiting for the bus to come for a few more minutes we got bored and ended up on a playground. Within seconds Brendon had accidently knocked three kids of the bridge and had fallen off the side of the slide. So not only was I tending to the crying three years but Brendon also had a large gash on the right side of his eye.

So, in the end we ended up in the local doctors clinic Brendon’s head hadn’t stopped bleeding and we were still hadn’t been picked up yet.

“Mr. Urie, please come through” the doctor smiled.

“Do you want me to come with you?” I asked as Brendon stood up. He nodded shyly making
me melt hopelessly.

“So, Mr. Urie, what happened to you?” the doctor sighed as he tended to Brendon’s wound.

“I- I fell off the playground.” Brendon said quietly, wincing as the doctor cleaned up the cut.

“You fell of the playground?” the doctor raised his eyebrows.

Brendon nodded rapidly before crying out in pain, the nodding was hurting him. The doctor then turned to me “Miss, can you tell me what a grown man is doing on a playground.”

“Oh my god okay, my friends left me behind and I was bored can you just stop the damn bleeding!” Brendon raised his voice dramatically.

The doctor returned to cleaning the cut, with much difficulty considering Brendon would jump away from him. “Okay Mr. Urie, you’re going to need stitches, you’ve cut yourself quite deep here-”

“What?” Brendon cried “Stitches, like in sewing?”

“Yes Brendon, like in sewing” I said taking his hand in mine.

“Oh my god no! It’s going to cane!”

“Brendon,” I said soothingly “you won’t even feel a thing, just a slight pinch.”

“That’s what they all say.” Brendon gasped dramatically.

“Mr Urie, when was your last tetanus shot?”

“Umm....third grade I think” he said quietly.

The doctor sighed and walked over to his bench “Well then you’re due for another one.”

“What? No, you can’t” Brendon cried “I don’t have any needles unless my mom is present!”

“Brendon-” I started.

“No, they hurt too much” he whinnied squeezing my hand tightly.

“Mr. Urie! You are a grown man! Stop acting like a child!”

“But it hurts.”

“Brendon,” I said quietly “you have to have this done, you don’t want to get sick do you?”

Honestly, it felt like I was talking to a three year old. Brendon shook his head “Then you have to have this injection.”

“But it’s going to hurt.”

“How about you do something to take your mind off it” I suggested.

“Can I sing?” Brendon asked giving the doctor the Urie pout.

The doctor had prepared the skin and the needle. Brendon was still gripping my hand, beginning to cut off my circulation.

“If I was a rich girl na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na then I’d have all the money in the world if I was a wealthy girl...”

Of all the songs in the world Brendon could’ve chosen he chose the most annoying song ever to sing. Great, now it was going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

“Okay Mr. Urie, you’re all done.”

“Thank god” Brendon sighed “That was the most pain I have ever felt in my life.” I rolled my eyes, waiting for Brendon to give me my hand back “So do I get candy now?”

We walked out of the surgery. I finally got my hand back and Brendon was happy because he had a lolly pop and I’m sure the doctor was pleased to get Brendon out of there, so
pleased that he let us go for free.

“Fuck, where did you two get too? Dude, why do you have a massive white thing on your head?” I turned to see Jon walking towards us.

“Where did we go? You were the ones who drove off without us! Am I really that forgettable Jon?” I pouted.

“Aww sorry Liz” he smiled pecking me on the cheek “Come on guys everyone is looking for you.”

“What Jon? I don’t get a kiss?” Brendon feigned hurt.

“Don’t worry Bren, you will, let’s get on the bus first.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww look, they're talking...awww.
Anyway, I know I say this at the end of every chapter but you are all fantastic. Honestly, all these comments make me smile so much :) Keep it up!
Finally got over 100 subscribers *yay*
Voting lines are still I sound like Australian Idol ;)
Next update: Hopefully this time tomorrow :)