Status: Finished

Things Have Changed

We Talk Like Lions

“You two, fuck you confuse me, honestly.” Ella said loudly over dinner in the bus a week later “One second you two hate each other and now you’re best friends again.”

I smiled, she was right, that was what me and Brendon were like. There was no middle ground with us. We were either acting like best friends or at each other’s throats.

Lilly smiled “Yay! No more awkward dinners or making sure you two are on opposite sides of the bus!”

I rolled my eyes but she was right, things were hell before. Everyone engaged in animated conversation over what they thought of England and where they were going on tour next. Turns out the boys were all going on their first trip to Australia.

“And you can come with us” Brendon squealed in a voice so high that I was sure no girl could match.

“Sorry buddy” I smiled “ I've got a job... unlike someone...”
“Hey” Brendon whinnied pushing me slightly “I have a real job.”

“Sure you do” I rolled my eyes “You sleep in ‘til midday, then you sit around on a bus all day. Then you go out and sing for an hour and go back to bed.”

“Yeah, well I also have to put up with annoying journalists -”

“Are you calling me annoying?” I challenged.

“Are you a journalist?”

“Of course I am dipshit.” I rolled my eyes.

“Well then yeah, I guess I am calling you annoying” he smiled.

“Oh non you-”

“Guys” Ryan stood up from the floor abruptly “I’m not feeling the best, I’m gonna go to bed.”

He threw his micro waved lasagne into the bin and stalked off into the bunk area.

“Gee” Jon said loudly “What’s up his ass?”

Lilly, Ella and I knew what was wrong but all refrained from speaking. Spencer shrugged “Microwave lasagne is pretty shit, maybe that’s why he’s pissed.”

I rolled my eyes, he was really clueless, but then again, all guys are. “Come on, let’s watch a movie.”

The problem with leaving three rather immature boys in charge of choosing a movie to watch is that you can guarantee the movie will be a crappy horror, or film or something to do with Pokémon or Ninjas.

“3 Ninjas: High Noon and Mega Mountain, are you serious?” I raised my eyebrows at Brendon who was sitting on the opposite couch.

“Does it look like I’m serious?” He said with a straight face.

“As if you don’t like the 3 Ninjas...honestly, that’s not right.” Jon added.

“I like the 3 Ninjas, but the fourth movie, this one, is shit.”

“Dude no way, this is the best of them all!”

“Guys this movie is shit” Lilly smiled.

If there is one thing I cannot put up with, its horrible movies and this one, was one of the worst of all time. About fifteen minutes is I was in bed, tossing and turning as the bus continued its way along the bumpy and winding roads of outer London.

“Umm...Liz...” I turned over to see a small amount of light filtering into my bunk “Did...did I wake you?”

I shook my head “What’s up Bren?”

He glanced behind him and around the bunk area nervously “ you mind if, if I come in?”

I crossed my legs and turned on the light letting him into the bunk “So what’s up Brendon?”

“Umm...” he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and stared at the sheets “I was, I was wondering if, if you wanted to give us a go again. I mean, I completely understand if-”

I felt heat rise up on my cheek and a small smile broke out on my lips “Brendon, I’d love to, to give us a go again.”

He glanced up at me “Really.”

I nodded shyly.

I heard him laugh quietly and then he began to lean over to me. We kissed; it was soft, gentle and almost reluctant at first. I couldn’t help but worry about how our relationship would be received but as soon as Brendon began to deepen the kiss all rational thoughts left my brain.

“Bren” I managed to breathe out.


“ you think we could maybe keep quiet, y’know, not tell anyone”

“Yeah, that’s okay.”

“Really?” I smiled

“Yeah, when we’re ready we’ll come out.”

“Thanks babe” I smiled kissing him again.

He began to trail kisses down my neck “Hey, you’ve still got this” I looked down; Brendon was holding the bow necklace he gave me.

“Breeendooon! How long does it take me to get a damn sweater?” Ella’s voice filtered through the bunk area.

He sighed resting his head in the crook of my neck “Fuck she’s impatient, anyway, I better get back” he pecked me once more and left to find Ella a sweater.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww, they're together again...
Arrgh I feel so bad for taking so long to update, please forgive me :) Thank you thank you thank you for all your wonderful comments :) They make me smile keep it up.
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them."

This still gives me chills and brings a tear to my eye. Currently saving up to go to Gallipoli to remember the ANZACS who paid the ulitmate sarifice.
It may be a day late but Lest We Forget.