Status: Finished

Things Have Changed

Welcome To Existance

My breath hitched in my throat “fuck Bren, oh shit.” Brendon kissed that spot on my neck, nibbling slightly, sending me over the edge.

“Shh” Brendon whispered his hand venturing further up my top. He began to lift my top off me while his other hand massaging my breast lightly.

“Bren” I moaned pulling on his short black hair lightly.

“Fuck I missed you” he smiled into my neck before attacking me with his lips again.

Brendon kisses were cut off by the sound of the kettle being boiled. He poked his head over the couch and his cheeks flushed red “Oh, crap Ryan, are you still up?”

“Couldn’t sleep” Ryan said coldly.

“Okay, cool” Brendon nodded, “I, I’ve just gotta go to the bathroom.” Brendon said attempting to sound casual as he hopped off the couch, a bulge visible through his tight jeans.

“Liz, I know you’re there” Ryan said simply as he continued to make himself a coffee.

I sat up, my top on properly and looked over at Ryan “Ryan, I’m sorr-”

“Well everything’s just falling into place for you now Liz isn’t it.”

“Ryan, please don’t be difficult about this.” I sighed walking over to him.

“I’m not.”

“You haven’t spoken to me in over...what two weeks?”

“You haven’t spoken to me either” he retorted.

“Ryan, I love you okay? Just in a more brother/best friend way.” I told him. Ryan rolled his eyes stubbornly “You’re hopeless Ryan, honestly, sometimes you’ve gotta let things go.”

“Yeah well, we’ll see how hopeless I am when you and Brendon break up and you end up crying in my bunk.”

I rolled my eyes “Me and Brendon aren’t going to break up.”

Ryan let out an exasperated sigh “Liz, what’s going to happen in a week when tour is over? We’re off to Australia, then New Zealand, after that we’re writing for the next record in Vegas. And let’s see, where are you? In London working... yeah, I can’t really see long distance
working out either.”

I rolled my eyes and walked into the bunk area, trying to convince myself that what Ryan said was wrong. I couldn’t help but feel worried over what Ryan had said because Ryan was always right. I knew that I was getting in too deep with Brendon. What I was feeling for him wasn’t the type of feelings you get after going out with someone for only a few days. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that I had fallen in love with him. But it was too soon to say that, and I knew it would wreck everything.


“Shit, this place is really dodgy.” I said as Brendon and I walked around the venue for the night.

“Yeah, most of these places are.” Brendon smiled pinning me lightly against a wall, kissing me lightly.

“Brendon” I said quietly as he began to trail down my neck “How are we going to do this?”

“Do what?” Brendon mumbled against his neck.

“Us, when you’re gone!”

He pulled away from my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist; kissing me lightly on the head “Can’t you stop worrying and focus on kissing me?”

“No” I whinnied.

He sighed “You can move to Vegas with me” he smiled pecking me lightly.

“And what about my job?” I raised my eyebrows at him.

“Eh, you can quit it” he said simply and began to nibble on that spot if my neck again.

“Brendon” I whinnied.

“We’ll worry about it when we have to okay? Now go find a spot to sit backstage while I go get changed.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter is very important...should be up in a few days...tomorrow if we're lucky :). I keep on sitting down to write the end of this story but it never comes.

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