Status: Finished

Things Have Changed

Say "Yes" and Pull the Trigger

Brendon smiled, teasing Liz’s lips making her whine in annoyance. He was straddling her, leaning over her. His lips were hovering just above hers, she’d lean up to kiss him and he’s pull away, just to annoy her.

The bus had stopped for a few hours to refuel leaving the bus nearly empty with just Brendon, Ryan and Liz in the living area.

Brendon finally kissed Liz softly and delicately. They were the type of couple who constantly had their hands on one another and were so in love that they made you sick. But don’t expect either of them to say “I love you” out loud; they wanted to take things slow. Well as slow as you can when you only have two weeks left on tour.

Brendon’s hand’s travelled up Liz’s top tracing patterns on her stomach. She smiled, telling him he was tickling her and making Ryan feel sick in the stomach.

Liz giggled, something which she hadn’t done since she left Brendon two years ago as Brendon began to tickle her and she began to squeal with laughter.

Brendon eventually stopped and forgetting that Ryan was also in the room and kissed her passionately, cupping her facing in his hands softly. Liz’s hands ran through his short black hair pulling on it slightly making him moan into her mouth. She took the lead kissing down his neck making him moan loudly. She loved the feeling of his throat under her lips whenever he moaned.

Brendon was hard and Liz could feel him against her thigh through his jeans. She stroked his through his jeans and he moaned again bucking his hips into her.

“Can you two get a fucking room or at least go into the bunk area for fucks’ sake?”

The pair pulled apart, both breathing heavily. Glancing up at Ryan Liz rolled her eyes for once not feeling guilty and pulled Brendon off the couch and into the bunk area slamming the door loudly behind her.

Liz threw Brendon roughly into her bunk and followed him in straddling his hips and kissing down his neck while he pulled hers, then his top off.


“Mr. Ryan Ross is it?” Ryan looked up from his laptop up at a blurry man standing in the door way of the bus.

“That’s me” Ryan said in a bored voice.

“I’m Mark and this is Mitch” he said pointing to the man with light blond hair who had just joined him “We’re here from NME, we’re looking to see how Liz is going.”

“She’s going great” Ryan said bitterly.

“We were wondering where she was?” Mitch spoke up.

Without thinking about the repercussions Ryan directed them to the bunk area.

The men opened the door to be met with loud moans and curses from both Brendon and Liz and a pair of jeans lying discarded on the floor. They closed the door and both waited in the lounge outside.


“Honestly Bren” Liz smiled as Brendon wrapped his arms around her in the bunk “If I died tomorrow, I’d die such happy person.”

“Shhh” Brendon whispered pulling her closer to him “Don’t say that, I want you here forever.”
Liz smiled and kissed Brendon, the unbelievable feeling of bliss flowing through her they way it did every time they kissed.

“Elizabeth Rose! I suggest you get your clothes on and get out her now!” A voice disturbed the peace causing Liz and Brendon to break away.

“Is that your Dad?” Brendon whispered.

“No.” Liz immediately recognised that voice, it was not her father, but it was one she definitely didn’t want to here.


“Mark, Mitch” Liz nodded making her way into the living room fully clothed and throwing a dirty look at Ryan on the way.

“Liz, what the fuck was that?” Mark bellowed towering over her small figure, his eyes full of rage.
“I, I have a good reason-”

“No you don’t, we had a fucking contract!”

“Wait, you had a sex contract?” Mitch laughed.

“Oh just get fucked Mitch okay? I wouldn’t be in this mess!”

“Liz shut up.” Mark told her coldly “You bought this fucking mess upon yourself. Don’t blame anyone else but yourself, you are the one screwing the guys after all.”

“Yeah, what happens to him huh?” Liz yelled pointing at Mitch “He slept with me, why isn’t he fired?”

“He’s been warned, just like you were.” Mark sighed “What the fuck were we thinking? Taking on an eighteen year old, fucken hell.”

“Mark honestly, me and Brendon-”

“I really don’t want to hear it Liz!” he looked up to see Brendon coming out of the bunk area looking very guilty.

“So this is Liz’s fuck of the week” Mark smiled crossing his arms over his chest “I’d get yourself checked out, I screwed her, hmm how long ago was it Liz? About a month ago?”

“Wait a second,” all heads turned in Ryan’s direction “you’re the guy who blackmailed her for sex, aren’t you?”

Taking a line from the book of overly used clichés, if looks could kill, Mitch would’ve been murdered, twice.

“What?” Brendon raised his eyebrows disbelievingly, looking from Liz, to Mitch and then to
Ryan “You forced her to have sex with you?”

“She agreed to it” Mitch smirked “She’s a whore, honestly, it’s not that hard to get her in your pants, you would know that...”

Brendon snapped leaping across the room pinning Mitch’s rather large figure to the floor, his fist beating hard into Mitch while tried to fight back. Brendon, he didn’t even look human, his face was distorted with rage as he continued to pound his fists into Mitch’s face screaming profanities as blood splatter all over the bus. He was deceptively strong but eventually Mark and Liz managed to pull Brendon off Mitch.

Mitch stood up groggily “I could fucking have you charged on assault you fucking phsyco.”

“And I could bash you so fucking hard that you wouldn’t even be able to speak to the police if I had a chance” Brendon seethed.

Mark sighed “Liz, get Mitch something to wipe himself up with.”

Liz turned around to get some towels “Do not move Liz” Brendon hissed his eyes still fixed on the bleeding Mitch.

“Brendon be re-” Liz tried to reason with him.

“When I tell you not to move I mean do not fucking move,” Brendon said coldly still not looking at her.

There was still a deranged look in his eyes that terrified Liz. It was a side of Brendon she had only seen in brief before. She could tell he was still boiling with anger and about to recommence his fight with Mitch at any second.

“Brendon, please, just calm down.”

“Shut up Liz” he said coldly walking over to the couch and sitting down. She followed him down and took his hand in hers to calm him down. “Liz, go sit next to Ryan.”

“Bren” she whined at him.

“Sit over there now.”

Liz sighed stalking over to the couch which Ryan was sitting on and collapsing on it angrily.

“Hey guys” Lilly squealed “I just bought, no joke, the cutest top ever- oh, hi, Mark oh fuck, what happened to you Mitch? Come through, I’ll grab you some...something, I dunno, to get the blood off.”

The other three entered the bus, immediately sensing that something was wrong. The fact that Liz and Ryan were sitting near each other, Brendon was silent and the blood on the floor gave it away.

Lilly and Mitch came back shortly after, Mitch’s face visibly bruised and his nose still bleeding. Everyone’s eyes widened when they saw the damage Brendon had done. Mitch’s face had swelled up and he was almost unrecognisable.

“Lilly, I think you’re going to want to sit down.” Mark said quietly. She shot Liz a confused look and sat down.

“Unfortunately, due to... contractual breaches unfortunately, you’ve been pulled off the tour.”

“But she did nothing” Liz cried.

“She was part of your contract and you fucked up,” Mark shot harshly “Go pack your bags,
we’ll leave in an hour.”

“Wait, I don’t get it, why?” Lilly asked.

“I fucked up my contract.”

“By fucking someone” Mitch smirked.

“Do you know when to fucking stop?” Brendon yelled incredulously.

“Mitch, shut up.” Mark said shortly “Lilly, it’s best if you go pack now.”

Lilly left the room shooting Liz a sad look and Mark turned to Liz sighing loudly and running his hands through his hands.

“Fuck Liz, some people really do have all the talent in the world and just, throw it away. I thought this was what you wanted, to be a professional music journalist”

Liz had no idea what to say. After barely writing anything for over a month she had lost the inspiration, the will and the drive to become a journalist. She felt that she couldn’t be bothered with it anymore in fact, she was only eighteen; she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. Liz wished that she hadn’t skipped the last two years if her schooling, maybe she would’ve learnt more about herself and not rushed into a job that she now regrets.

Mark sighed when he didn’t receive a response from her “You know what this means don’t you Liz?”

Liz nodded, staring at the floor.

“I’m sorry Liz, but you’re fired from NME, pack up your stuff, you’re going home.”

Liz sighed and stood up “Sit down Liz” Brendon said coldly at her. She rolled her eyes and sat back down; she really hated this side of Brendon she was seeing. “Liz will be staying here.”

“Mr. Urie, we are paying for Liz to be here a-”

“I’ll pay the rest, just write down who I need to get the cheque to and I’ll send over the money.”

Within the hour Liz was saying a tearful goodbye to Lilly, apologising a thousand times over until she left.

Liz sat down on the couch with no idea of what to do. Brendon was in his bunk not talking to anyone and everyone else was on the other side of the bus.

“Liz?” she turned around to see Ryan walking towards where she was sitting.

“Fuck off Ryan” she hissed.

“I’m really sorry-”

“And so you fucking well should be. This is all your fucking fault? You knew what we were doing! You should’ve just told him that we were getting coffee or something.”

“This is your fault too Liz” he hissed “If your contract states that you can’t fuck anyone then don’t fuck anyone. It’s really not that hard to get.”

“Sure Ryan, if I was screwing you, you wouldn’t have given a shit about the contract.”

“Stop shifting the blame.”

"Fuck off Ryan" Liz rolled her eyes and went into the bunk area.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, that was jam packed. I really can't write in third person.

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