Status: Finished

Things Have Changed

When You Look At Me, Suddenly It's Clear

I woke up the next morning still feeling sick in the stomach. I didn’t know what time it was, I just knew that we were on the road and judging by my bunk window, the weather felt the same way I did; horrible.

I watched the countryside fly past while a few tears escaped my eyes too tired to even think about getting up.

I was about to break down into sobs again I felt someone playing with my hair. I rolled over assuming it was Ella and was about to tell her that she should leave me alone to wallow in my own sadness.

“Morning sleepy head” my eyes widened when I saw Brendon lying next to me a beautiful smile of his face.

I stayed silent wondering if I had actually woken up or whether I was still sleeping.

“Baby, I am really sorry, honestly I am.” Brendon said quickly his eyes widened trying to convince me more and more with every word he spoke. “I don’t like the way I get either, b-but I can’t help it. I just don’t know what happens to me it’s like I just loose all control and stuff. Babe, you know I’d never do it to you; I wouldn’t do it to anyone usually. But you know what he did to you, he abused you.” Brendon’s voice had such a caring tone to it, so did his face. I was thankful I was lying down because if I was standing my legs would’ve turned to jelly.
“I wish I could help it, but I can’t help it. You’re beautiful, perfect, you’re like a doll, and I don’t want to see you get broke.”

I couldn’t help it; I began crying again but this time for a different reason. I had never had someone talk about me with such emotion, caring and dare I say it, love in their voice.

He tilted my chin up to look at him, his lips pouting sadly “Shh, don’t cry.”

“I-I’m sorry, I just...I don’t know.” They were on the tip of my tongue but I didn’t say them. I was in love with him but we were still taking things slow. I longed to tell him those three words but I was terrified, I know he’s loved me once before but I had no idea if those feelings were still there.

I looked up into Brendon’s eyes; there was no anger, no luck and no playfulness. To me, it was like all of the multiple sides of his personality were gone and the Brendon with none of the vizards, the real, the vulnerable Brendon was lying next to me and I never wanted him to leave.

“Shh baby, please stop crying,” he said softly wiping the tears from my cheeks with a calloused thumb “What’s wrong baby?”

“I-I don’t want t-to you to e-ever go.”

He pulled me close to his chest and held me as I cried into his top wrecking it with tear stains.

“Maybe y-you should apologise to Ryan” Brendon suggested after I had calmed down, still twirling my hair in fingers.


“Come on Liz” Brendon sighed “You two are like...the two musketeers, wait, you’re like Ben and Jerry of Ben and Jerry’s! Besides, you’re my girlfriend and he’s my best friend. You two have to be friends or at least be civil.”

I shook my head “no, I fucking hate him, he’s an a-“

“Lizzy,” I frowned at my new nickname “Come on... please do it, for meeee” after I ignored his whines he started to pout...damn that pout.

I stuffed my head in my pillow “Nooo, you are not using the evil pout on me noo fuck off Brendon!”

He laughed tickling me until I eventually rolled over begging him to stop “Brendon, seriously, stop with the tickling or I’ll wet myself.”

Brendon immediately stopped “Eww, that disgusting, but this is your bed that you’d be wetting so really I don’t care” he grinned getting ready to tickle me again.

“Yeah,” I retorted “but you’re sitting on top of me so you’re in the line of fire.”'

Brendon immediately jumped off me, almost throwing himself out of the bunk “Liz, you’re yuk!”

“You know you love it” I smiled.

“Come on Liz, just go apologise, please” he pleaded.

“I can’t see him coming over here to say sorry to me and don’t bring out the ‘oh be the bigger person’ line on me because I am younger and smaller than he is!”

Brendon laughed quietly lightly kissing my forehead “please just do it, just get it over and done with. I’ll have a surprise for you when you come back.”

I roll my eyes but get out of the bunk “It better be some chocolate” I glare playfully at him before looking for Ryan.

I eventually found Ryan sitting in the back lounge typing furiously on his laptop. I held back the temptation to make a snide remark at him and instead sat on the other side of the couch waiting for him to notice me.

“What do you want Liz” Ryan asked not even bothering to look away from the screen.

“Umm...well...” I pulled my knees up to my chest and sighed loudly “can you stop typing on that damn thing?”


“Fine, be difficult. I was going to come down here and act like I was actually sorry but if you’re just gonna be an asshole than I might as well be honest. Brendon’s been up my ass-"
“Oh I bet he has.”

I again resisted the urge to go off at him and continued with my ‘apology’. “Anyway, Brendon has been annoying me to hurry up and apologise to you so, I tried to make it seem as believable as possible but fuck you. I am sorry Ryan, for nothing and I hope you can now stop acting like a bitch on her period and get over it.”

I took a few seconds to regain my composure before walking back into the bunk area calm and collected as if everything had gone well.

“How did it go?” Brendon asked still lying in my bunk.

“Great” I smiled “we promised to try and get things back to normal” wow, I was one hell of a good liar “So where’s my chocolate?”

“Well,” Brendon hovered over my figure somehow managing to mauver his body to fit perfectly in the bunk “I kinda forgot about the chocolate” he said softly, kissing the crook of my neck passionately.

“But I really wanted some chocolate” I pouted.

“Well you’ll just have to get some later” he breathed licking and nibbling my earlobe.

“But I really wanted some chocolate.”

“I’m sure you’ll survive” Brendon whispered again beginning to focus on my neck.

“So what’s this surprise?” Brendon’s hand slid up my bare legs massaging my thigh lightly and I felt him hard through his boxers against me leg “Ohh, I get it now,”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is about two hours ahead of schedual so really, it's 2 updates in one day. Well done santi in socks the 200th commenter. Thank you everyone sooo much :) keep it up.
Next Update: Tonight (if things go good) or sometime tomorrow. I havent written the ending yet, I've just got a really detailed plan of it.