Status: Finished

Things Have Changed

Anywhere But Here

“I really think that we need to buy one of those do not disturb signs to hang on the door of the bunk area” Ella said thoughtfully over breakfast the next morning “You never know what you might walk in on.”

I looked up my cheeks flushing to a deep shade of pink while Brendon snickered next to me, eating some of my raspberry jelly.

“I was thinking something along the lines of ‘if the bus is rockin’ then don’t come knockin’’ Spencer smiled.

“That’s a good one” Brendon laughed.

“Yeah, but some dipshit such as myself would probably think ohh, they’re making music and walk right in.” Ella said simply.

I rolled my eyes snuggling closer to Brendon’s body.

“Well it’s not my problem you’re a dipshit” Spencer shrugged “My sign idea was better than yours.”

“Pffft as if, you wish yours was better than mine.”

“I know mine was better than yours” Spencer retorted.

“Not it was not, mine was better becau-” She was cut off by Spencer’s lips on hers immediately silencing her. She smiled “You just love making me angry.”

“Almost as much as I love you” Spencer smiled kissing her lips gently again.

I was tempted to coo them but they were too adorable for me to ruin the moment.

The bus stopped at the final destination of tour and everyone got off the bus. I groaned and pulled myself off the couch. Brendon’s arms laced around me and pulled me onto his lap. I smiled at him “Don’t you want to go to sound check?”

Brendon shrugged “Not if I have to leave you.”

I was just about to respond when I felt my phone vibrating in my pockets. I looked down at the caller ID, it was my dad. Tentatively I answered it.

“Elizabeth Margret Elanora Rose! You tell me that you have not been fired from your job or so help you Go-”

“Dad, please calm down” I said quietly, sitting down on the couch putting my head in my hands.

“How dare you, how dare you throw away your career, your livelihood for some boy Elizabeth, I thought you were the sensible one of you and Luke.”

I sighed “Dad, listen to me please-”

“No Liz, I did not want you going on this tour yet you still went and now look at what you’ve done.”

“Dad please listen, do you remember Brendon?” I asked remembering how Brendon was his favourite back in the USA.

“I don’t give a fuck about Brendon to be honest Liz-”

“Dad!” I cried, “Can’t you just let me explain the situation to you!”

“Surprise me Liz, you’re pregnant, I’m not surprised! Do you realise the disgrace this will bring upon the family!”

“I’m not fucking pregnant dad and anyway, Luke got his girlfriend pregnant, there was no ‘disgrace’ on the family then.”

“Shh, baby, calm down” Brendon hushed massaging my hand comfortingly.

“With Luke it was different.”

“It was no different” I countered.

“Do you know how many strings I had to pull to get you that job?” Dad shouted so loudly I pulled the phone away from my ear.


“Yes Liz, I had to work bloody hard for you to get that job and your just throw it away over Brendon! What happens when he leaves you in a week huh? What happens then, you’re single again and now, without a job!”

“Dad, just stop please” I almost begged beginning to cry. But he didn’t and continued to verbally harass me until Brendon pulled the phone from my ear.

He wrapped his arms around my body and pulled my into his arms rocking me lightly and kissing my forehead.

“B-Brendon, c-cancel y-your next tour for me, please” I asked selfishly.

He smiled pecking me on the forehead “I wish I could love, but I’ve booked it already, you wouldn’t want me to disappoint them all now would you?” he smiled pulling me into his lap and kissing me again.

“To be honest with you, I really don’t care” I said simply.

Brendon laughed and placed a long kiss on my lips “I love you Liz” he smiled resting his head on mine.


He smiled again “I love you, I love the selfish, spoilt brat that you are. I love the way you pout while you’re sleeping and I love the way you smile, that one you do right now” he laughed again, “I love it, and I love you. A-and I don’t expect you to say anything right now, I-I just want you to know that I love you, and I won’t leave you, I promise-”

He began to ramble but I silenced him kissing him gently on the lips “Shh” I whispered “I love you too” I said quietly.

“Really?” Brendon’s face lit up.

I nodded “Yep.”

I smiled to myself, I had said it. I had told Brendon that I loved him and he loved me back. Love, God it felt good.
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This is shit but please comment anyway :) this story will get to thirty chapters...and then end :D I'll then post my new story :)