Status: Finished

Things Have Changed

Heavily Broken

“Come on Mitch, it’s main stage” I cried trying to convince him to take Panic! Off my hands.

“No way, I’ve got Muse, and The Kooks at that time” he replied.

“Please” I begged, “I’ll give you Panic! and The Kaiser Chiefs.”

“Nope, it looks like you’re just going to have to interview ‘em love.”

“ I can’t” I cried “Please, I’ll give you anything!”

“A blow job?”

“Go fuck yourself” I seethed, rolling my eyes and storming up to Mark, who was in charge of the interviews.

“Mark, I can’t interview Panic! At The Disco” I said simply.

“Sit down Liz” he gestured toward the chair “I know they can be real dickheads during interviews but get ‘em in a good mood and you should be alright, just wear a low top and they’ll be alright.”

I rolled my eyes “I have never heard of them before, I don’t know anything about them” I cried.

“Well Liz” Mark smiled leaning over the desk “Here’s their CD and over there is your computer...start researching.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck” I yelled storming out of his office.

“The offer still stands” Mitch yelled from his work station.

I rolled my eyes. NME was a “boys club” with Lilly and I plus a few executives being the only female workers.

I opened up Wikipedia (unreliable I know) and saw a photo of the band. Ryan’s hair had grown out again and Brendon still had elf hair, Brent looked the same and Spencer’s hair had grown out a bit also. I started reading about them, catching up on everything I had missed out on over the past two years.

Within minutes of reading Brendon’s profile thing, I was towards the bottom of the page and I was crying. It felt as if I had just had my heart ripped out of my chest and trampled on a few times. It had been two years but still, even reading about him was painful, the pain increased when I started reading about his girlfriends.

What Liz? You move on to a different bloke every night and he can’t have a girlfriend?

I guess it just hurt seeing that he had moved on, and that the spot in his heart was occupied by someone else now, he moved on, and he had probably forgotten about me by now.

“You couldn’t swap could you” Lilly said softly
I shook my head “Don’t worry, I’ve just got to treat it like any other interview” I said whipping away my tears.

I had just over a week to prepare myself, but how do you prepare to see the friends you walked out on two years ago?
♠ ♠ ♠
There might be one more update after this but then they are going to become less frequent (I think) because I am going overseas but I'll try update when I can. I would like to take a moment to thank my beta reader, she sent me the new edited version of this I was like WOW she helped me out A LOT so thanks.
I'd like to take another moment to thank you guys the readers 7 stars with only 2 updates, you are all AMAZING, no joke, you are :).
This one is a filler but I think that you'll all like what I have in store next (insert evil grin here)
