Status: Finished

Things Have Changed

Nobody Wants To Hear You Sing About Tragedies

A bright light shone into the completely white room which I had just awoken in, sending the pain in my head searing through the roof. I felt a pair of warm arms tight around my waist.

I slowly managed to weave my out of his warm arms and sat up, taking in the scene or the carnage, depending on the way you looked at it.

The bed groaned as I slid off it, and I looked back to see the guys arms reaching for my body. I stuffed a pillow in between the space where I was sleeping and he wrapped his arms tightly around the pillow before stuffing his head in it.

I found my panties, a massive tearing down the side though they were good condition in comparison to my bustier. It was being held together by only a few pieces of material, while the rest had been torn off in the night’s struggle. Shit, it must have been wilder than I remembered. No matter how drunk I got I usually had an accurate memory of what happened before hand.

My satin dress was covered in pulls and snags but was (thankfully) still wearable. I stuffed my bustier into my clutch, found my shoes and got ready to leave.

I poked my head out of the room in preparation to leave.


There was another guy in the apartment. Specifically, there was another guy in between me and the exit of this apartment. I watched him, he had sort of tanned skin and brown hair. I heard the guy groan from behind me, he was thankfully still asleep, for how much longer he would be I didn’t know.

The other occupant of the penthouse left the living area and I quickly darted through the apartment and made a quick exit.

“Gee, you’re back late” Lilly laughed as I stumbled into our apartment.

“Don’t yell so loud” I cried wrapping my arms around my throbbing head
She passed me a coffee and a few aspirins and smiled “I love the fact that I don’t get hangovers.”

I pulled the bustier out from my bag and examined the damage.

“Fuck, how crazy was it?” she yelled in awe.

I rolled my eyes, my ears ringing from the volume of her voice “This was my favourite bustier” I whined quietly.

“Was he at least worth it?” she raised her eyebrows “There is nothing else worse than wrecking a gorgeous bustier on a shit fuck.”

“It was definitely worth it” I smiled.

She giggled “Alright my little whore, come on, we’ve got to be at your mom’s Sunday roast in an hour.”

Ever since moving to England dad has been away on constant business trips and Luke had gotten some bimbo pregnant and gotten married and moved in with her.
Shot Gun Wedding Anyone

Anyway, mom was completely alone in a massive house forty minutes out of London, every Sunday she would have her Sunday roast inviting the whole family over plus Lilly, who might as well be family. Dad was away in Germany for the weekend and mum was horrible at controlling anyone which meant that me and Lilly could go crazy.

“Oh, you’ll never guess who’s coming over today!” mum shrieked with delight as she took the roast out of the oven.

“Surprise me!” I rolled my eyes.

Please not Mr. And Mrs. Miller, their son always gives me really perverted smiles.

“The Uries, do you remember them?”

“What?” I cried.

“Yes, their son Brendon I think his name was, yes, his band is playing here next week.”
I bit on my lip, trying to hold back tears and rushed over to the drinks cabinet, pouring myself a generous glass of red wine.

“You do remember Brendon, don’t you Liz?” Mom asked when I re entered the kitchen.

“Of course I remember Brendon” I snapped storming out of the room into the backyard.

“Don’t worry Mrs. Rose, Liz is just PMSing” Lilly smiled lightly.

I sat down at the pond watching the brightly coloured fish swimming inside of it, crying softly. I wasn’t ready to see Brendon; I didn’t want to see Brendon. Shit, maybe I should fake sick and go home...oh crap I’ve got to have an ultrasound on my ankle today damn, could it get any worse?

“Hey Liz” Lilly rubbed my back lightly resting her head on my shoulder.

I sniffed quietly and rubbed the tears from my eyes, smearing eyeliner and mascara down my face.

“Come on” she smiled “Let’s get you cleaned up, they’re here.”

“W-w-what?” I cried.

“No, he’s not here yet” she said simply “But his parents and I think his sister are.”

I walked inside to find Brendon’s parents talking animatedly to my mother while his sister just stood there, a bored expression on her face.

“Oh Elizabeth is that you?” Mrs. Urie gasped rushing forward, pulling Lilly into a huge hug.

“Umm, Mrs. Urie...hi...I’m Lilly.”

Mrs. Urie gave her a confused look “Oh, well hi Lilly, it’s nice to meet you.”

Wow, talk about awkward.

“Good Morning Mrs. Urie” I smiled rushing forward to give her a warm hug.

“Oh Liz my dear, you look so different, I didn’t recognise you.”
I laughed politely “It has been two years.”

“It seems like just yesterday you left, poor Brenny was left devastated.” She said “He’ll be delighted to see you.”

I highly doubt that.

I smiled and quickly left the room with Lilly fast on my tail.

“I don’t know what to do” I said sharply as Lilly fixed my makeup. She could make anyone look gorgeous “I’m so freaked out, oh my god he’s going to hate me, shit! What if he saw me being a whore at the party, oh Lil do I have to go I really really don’t want to go down there, I am too stressed...”

“Can you stop moving? You’re making it impossible for me to do your makeup!”

“Excuse me Lilly I’m having a fucking breakdown here” I cried.

She rolled her eyes “You’re such a drama queen. Do you realise that you are talking to the master of horrible situations?”

“Can you stop with the lame and shitty jokes?” I sighed.

“Now, I hope you don’t mind but I kinda stole something from your kitchen...I don't think you will mind but,” she grinned pulling a bottle of wine and two glasses from her bag “What I stole can solve all the problems in the world.”

I took a glass from her and skulled it empty in mere seconds “More” I said holding the now empty glass begging for more.
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I'm back lol USA was amazing and I wanna move to vegas lol. Anyway I read the most amazing book on the plane. It was called the Hunger Games, it was fantastic, I highly recommend it.
Hope you enjoy it :)