Status: I've been really busy with college lately. updates will be soon!

There Goes My Body!

His Life...What A Waste

Brian’s P.O.V

“Brian, wake up” yelled my little sister McKenna as I tried to sleep. I had stayed up last night working on some lyrics and didn’t go to sleep till two. “Leave me alone” I yelled back throwing a pillow at the door. “I’m telling daddy” she yelled as she ran downstairs to tattle. I groaned I better get up before the king himself gave me a lecture on being on time for school.

I swear, why the fuck do I need to school when I’m going to be in a rock star? I quickly got up took a sniff of my arm pit and cringed, ripe. I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom and took a nice long shower. I got out and put on clothes. I grabbed my back which was exactly where I left it yesterday after coming home from school. I yawned as I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I entered to see my dad, McKenna and Brent eating at the table.

“It’s nice of you to grace us with your presence Junior” said my dad as I grabbed some toast off the table. “Ya good morning to you too” I said sleepily. “You and I need to talk…now” said my dad as he left the kitchen. I followed him to the living room rolling my eyes. “Are you even planning on graduating?” asked my dad in a stern tone as he gave me an angry look.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Why bother?” I asked. “Don’t give me that crap Brian; you better start giving a fuck about school. Because if you don’t graduate then your going to get a real job. I know people in construction that want some fresh meat to help….you better start caring because if you don’t graduate, you’re moving out” he said. I sighed, “Fine” I said as I left, why the fuck did he care so much? He’s such a hypocrite, he can play with any band, any time he want and when I show the slightest interest in playing he gives me this whole warning that being a guitarist and life on the road is hard.

Hey if he can do it, so can I. I was pissed by the time I got in my car. I started my car and the engine came to life. I drove out of my street like a bat out of hell, driving fast made me calm down a bit but I was still frustrated…that is until I saw her. She was walking down the street with her loser friend Samantha. Making fun of Elizabeth Morgan was usually the highlight of my day; it always put a smile on my face.

“Hey Bitch face” I yelled out of my window. The girls turned their heads and gave me death glares. “What the fuck do you want Haner?” snarled Samantha with a hateful glare. I gave them a smirk “Not you I was talking to the other bitch face” I said back, my words laced with poison. They were waste of air and space and have been my enemies since freshman year.

“Fuck you Haner” yelled Elizabeth, she wished. I smirked and turned into the student parking lot. I parked my car farthest away from the rest of the cars and got out. I saw Jimmy standing a few feet away waiting for me. “Hey man” I said as he and I started walking into school.

“There’s a band meeting tonight” said Jimmy as he started looking around in his backpack. I nodded, “That’s good I have some new material I want to show you guys” I said happily. Just as we turned the corner I saw her and her friends. “Hey did you guys do English homework?” asked Samantha. Shit I fucking forgot about that, after this morning’s conversation with my dad, I had to try a little harder in school.

“Yup for the first time I can honestly say I did my work on this” said Elizabeth happily. I smiled and took her homework from her hand. “Why thank you” I said as I admiredher my work. "Give it back” she said angrily. She looked so funny angry, I could tell she was trying not to yell.

“How about…no” said Jimmy as he laughed and I laughed. These girls were too easy to mess with, but little did I know I spoke to soon, cause just then I was body slammed into a locker. I turned to see it was that little freak Lily. I was about to fucking hit her but before I could they all ran off. I messaged my nose which took the worst form the tackle. At least I got her homework and managed to ruin her morning… but this wasn’t the end of it…oh no far from it.
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Hey here's an update! Comments get you Matt Kisses! Subscriptions get you Matt.....*Cough*well you get the picture!

Over and Out Captain!!!