Status: I've been really busy with college lately. updates will be soon!

There Goes My Body!

"I Wish I was Someone Else"

Elizabeth’s P.O.V

Lunch; finally I could get some food. It was a long day, after getting an F for failing to ‘do’ my homework I was given a detention. Lunch was the only time of the day when I can get a decent meal and relax. Even though it tasted like crap it was the only thing that kept me healthy. My father was a controlling man and he had to know everything that went on in his house.

When someone disobeys he beats them…badly. As soon as the girls and I sat down I started digging into my food, but before I could take another bite my food was snatched from in front of me. I looked up to see him. “Hey look Jimmy lunch” he said as he laughed and smiled at his friend. Jimmy just chuckled as he looked down at me. “Give me back my food Haner” I said dangerously.

Its one thing to mess with me, but his ass is in physical danger if he doesn’t give me my food back. “Why would I do that? I mean I’m really doing you a favor you look like you could loose a few pounds” he said with a chuckle as he tilted his head to look at my ass. Now I can’t say that hurt, because it did but I know that he was lying because I was already underweight. I’m not anorexic just a little thinner than I should be.

“Haner would you shut that fucking hole in your face and give her back her fucking food” spat Sammy as she glared daggers at Brian. “Oh okay” said Brian as he gave her an innocent face just when he was about to put my plate back on the table he dropped it. “Oops my fault” he said as he laughed and walked away. I sighed and sat down. Could things get any worse?

Brian’s P.O.V

I laughed, that felt good. It always made my day when I piss off Elizabeth. School went by fast as usual. I drove home and immediately ran upstairs to my room to get my guitar the guys and I were going to practice and I was excited I always am when I could play out my aggression and feelings.

It made me feel alive to have my fingers glide against the neck of my guitar and produce haunting sounds. But when I got to my room I was shocked at the horror I saw. My guitar, my only guitar was on the floor in pieces. “What the Fuck?” I yelled as I went to pick it up. “Brett did it” said a small voice. I turned around to see McKenna standing in the door way.

“Why” I yelled at her. She rolled her eyes. "He was moving some stuff out of your room and it got in the way he accidentally stepped on it” she said as she left. I followed her, “Where the hell is he?” I asked as I stopped her. “He left for New York” she said as she walked off. Now what the fuck am I suppose to do?” I growled. “Why don’t you try giving your homework a shot if you don’t have anything to do?” suggested my dad as he leaned against the doorway to the bathroom.

“I bet your happy?” I said with venom in my voice. I was beyond pissed, I bet he did it himself and told Brett to take the blame. “Well it will give you time to do your school work and become something in the future so ya you could say that” he said as he walked off. I sighed in frustration and went back into my room.

Elizabeth’s P.O.V

I limped to my room in pain. My dad found out about the detention I got and it wasn’t a pretty sight. He slapped mom first because she was right next to him and said that it was her fault she didn’t keep a tighter leash on me. Then got his hands on me and went to work punching my stomach repeatedly and when I fell to the ground in pain he began to kick my sides.

He would always leave marks in places that weren’t exactly visible. I managed to crawl up the stairs and collapse on my bed. I was too tired to change and it hurt to much to bend over and lift my shirt so I just lay there in my clothes, I looked up threw my window and saw the moon.

Brian’s P.O.V
I lay in bed wondering how I could make enough money to buy a new guitar. I had to get one quick, I needed to practice with the guys tomorrow and I need it for shows we’re going to play. I sighed as I looked out of my window at the moon.

Nobody’s P.O.V

As the two enemies laid in their beds pondering their lives while they gazed at the moon. The clock on each of their nightstands turned 11:11 just as they whispered before they drifted off to peaceful slumber. “I wish I was someone else”.
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I'm hating myself right now because i don't update much becasue of school and it sucks! First i was sick then my computer became a bitch and then i got writers block and couldn't think of anything plus my schools being a.........i don't have a bad enough word for it but if you do please tell me! So comments give my life meaning and makes me happy, so do that please and.......

Over and Out Captain!!!