Status: I've been really busy with college lately. updates will be soon!

There Goes My Body!

No Boobs and a Penis, Boobs and No Penis

Elizabeth’s P.O.V

I woke up with a start from my bad nightmare. My father had gotten to me again and was going to hit me, but before he could I woke up. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. As I sighed and took a deep breath I realized something…..why wasn’t my body hurting me?

As I felt around my stomach for a sensitive spot I received a shock. Why was my stomach hard?.....AND WHERE DID MY BOOBS GO? I quickly jumped out of bed and looked down. I had a six pack abs and NO BOOBS I was only in boxers. I was frightened to look but I had to know. I slowly pulled the edge of the boxers back and then let it go in shock. I had a ….thing….I had a, oh god I had a penis… I looked around the room, where was I? What was happening? As I looked around the room it was messy and obviously not cleaned in a long time.

There were clothes strewn all over the floor and there was an odd smell coming from somewhere in the room. As I looked around I was hit with another shock as I glanced at a mirror. I screamed! It was my worst nightmare, and I was shocked when a boy’s scream came out of my mouth. Just then someone ran into the room.

“Brian what the hell do you think you’re doing at…5 fucking 30 in the morning” said a man. I just stared at him in shock. “I…..’m sorry” I said trying to cover up. If I told this guy….I think Brian’s dad, that I was a girl in his sons body he’d put me in a nut house. He rolled his eyes and left the room. I quickly turned back to the mirror and looked at ‘my’ face. I touched it hoping that it was an illusion or something. It wasn’t.


Brian’s P.O.V

Oh my god, why the hell does my body feel like it was run over by an 18 wheeler? I tired to move my arm but it hurt too much. I opened my eyes to see what was going on. I was met with a poster of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. What the Fuck!? I don’t remember putting that up there. I looked around my room and saw that it wasn’t my room. Where the fuck was I?

Just then a telephone rang I looked to the side and hesitantly picked it up. “Hello?” I said, “Brian, I need you to stay clam” said the voice….hey that was my voice. “Who is this?” I asked curiously. “I need you to be as quiet as you can and I need you not to scream. Go look in the mirror that’s inside my closet” said my voice. I got up and when I did I felt something weird. I looked down and there they were….boobs.

I looked all over ‘my’ body and saw that ‘I’ was wearing jeans and a shirt and I had bright yellow nail polish…and boobs. I had two of them, I smiled a little and touched them they were real! I remembered that my voice was still waiting on the phone and looked at the mirror. I jumped back in surprise there in the mirror was Elizabeth Morgan and she was staring right back at me. Just then I heard a voice coming from the phone I quickly picked it up.

“Brian…..did you see me in the mirror?” my voice asked, “and who are you?” I asked, “Well dumb fuck I’m Santa, who the hell do you fucking think I am” said my voice angrily. “Elizabeth?” I questioned, “Yes, look get dressed and meet me in school. We have to talk now” said Elizabeth. I scratched my head, “Okay” I said frightened, I mean last night I go to sleep a guy and now I wake up and I’m a girl.

“Hey and I need you to take out two ten’s from the box under my bed and give them to my brother and sister, okay” she pleaded, “Why?” I questioned, “Just do it please” she beg, I rolled my eyes, “Fine, I’ll see you in 15 minutes” I said as I hung up the phone. I looked around the room and sighed this was going to be hard.
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MMMIMWAHHHHAAAA!!!!! I hope you liked this chapter sorry but at least i updated! Please tell me what you think and please comment! Oh and if you read my other stories please be patient!

Over and Out Captain!!!!