Status: I've been really busy with college lately. updates will be soon!

There Goes My Body!

Brother and Sister

Brian’s P.O.V

Why the hell did I have to get stuck in a girl’s body?! As I tried to get dressed I couldn’t help but let my eyes wonder. Little Elizabeth had a rack on her that she was hiding, but were did all these bruises come from? I guess someone was a little clumsy. And why the fuck is it easier to take these things off than putting them on? Usually I would love to handle a bra, but not like this.

I tried to put it one and after 10 minutes I actually managed it. I looked threw the rest of Little Elizabeth’s closet and snooped around before I found…..what I guess is a shirt that said ‘Barbie is a Lesbian’. I put that on with some jeans but after trying on a few pairs I realized that all her clothes were a little tight and I was so uncomfortable.

I have never worn anything tight in my life, so I dug deeper and found a pair of blue sweat pants. I grabbed her bag and remember to give her brother and sister their money. Why did she even ask me to give it to them? Did she lose a bet or something? I quietly crept out of her room and made my way down the stairs but before I could get to the bottom someone quietly ran up the stairs to me and tackled me in a hug. I looked down and saw a little girl I assumed was Elizabeth’s sister, and she was shaking.

“Rory, dad he’s asleep downstairs and Ian’s in the kitchen what are we going to do?” said the frightened girl. What the fuck was up? “Um…get some breakfast?” I asked, she suddenly looked up at me as if I had two heads. “What if dad wakes up… he’ll do worse than what he did last night” said the girl as she hugged me tighter and started to cry a little.

It suddenly hit me…..last night?.....all those bruises…..she’s scared! Fuck… their dad hit them. I looked down at the little girl and felt sorry. “Let’s go to school, go get Ian” I said unsure if that was his name. The little girl nodded and quietly tip toed downstairs. I sighed and took in what happened.

Elizabeth’s P.O.V

After I got dressed I quickly grabbed Brian’s bag and quietly went downstairs. As luck would have it no one was awake yet. I went to the front door and as I was about to open it it swung open to revel ….a really handsome guy. “Hey Junior…now before you could blow my fucking head off. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for the whole breaking your guitar thing but war…is war. And you little brother have stepped into my fucking territory” said the cute guy whom I now deduced as being Brian’s brother.

I liked him. “Brent, I thought you were going to New York” said Brian’s dad as he appeared next to me. “Ya but some stuff got in the way and I’m going next week” said Brent. I took a second to take in this guy’s appearance, tall, amazing blue eyes and cute blond hair. He was the complete opposite of Brian but he looked like their dad. “Hey don’t you have to get to school” said Brian’s dad as he gave me a stern look.

“Um…Ya I was just going” I said as I ran out the door. “Hey dip shit aren’t you forgetting something” said Brent as I ran out the door. I turned back to look at him and he rolled his eyes. “Your fucking keys stupid” he said as he pointed to Brian’s car. “Oh, I’m….walking today” I said as I ran off. On top of all the pressure I was going threw today, getting my self killed in Brian’s car was not going to be on the menu.
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I AM SOOOOOO SORRY! I haven't been able to update lately do to my midterms! So bear with me as i try and update my stories! Comments make me feel better!

Over and Out Captain!!!!