Status: I've been really busy with college lately. updates will be soon!

There Goes My Body!

The Meeting

Brian’s P.O.V

It’s all her fault. I just know it; she did something that got our bodies switched. I was waiting in front of a tree by the parking lot for her to show up with my body. She was late and people were starting to show up, if she’s late people will see us talking to each other and start wondering why. I wasn’t going to ruin my hot ass reputation on a little skank like her. Just as I was about to go into a full on rant about how much I hate Elizabeth Morgan. I see my body jogging up to me.

Where the fuck was my car? “Sor...” but I didn’t even let her speak before I started yelling at her. “What the fuck are you wearing?!” I yelled taking in my ]appearance. “Umm, clothes?” she answered with attitude while she put her hand on her hip. “Don’t stand like that. It makes me look like a girl. And as for clothes I didn’t even know I had those where did you get them from?” I demanded.

“I got them from the back of your closet, pretty nice huh?” she said with a smirk, my smirk. “The fuck they are. Don’t wear stuff like that, or trust me you’ll regret it” I said threateningly. “Why? They make you look decent instead of a drunken looser. At least I tried to make you look good. You’re wearing my dirty clothes at least I had the decency to put on something clean for your body” she yelled back. “They were the first things I saw so get off my fucking back whore” I yelled.

“Fucking asshole cunt” she yelled back. I was this close to beating the living shit out of her even if it meant bruising my hott body. “Haner you dumb fuck leave her alone” said a voice. We both turned and saw Samantha. Good now I have some back up. I turned to Elizabeth and smiled, but what threw me off was that she was smiling too. Why the fuck was she smiling?

Elizabeth’s P.O.V

Before I could figure it out why Brian was smiling I was on the ground in pain. What the hell? I looked to see Sammy standing next to my smiling body. That’s why! I was Brian Haner asshole. My body was her best friend. “Come on Rory lets class” said Sammy as she grabbed my bodies arm and dragged Brian off. I picked my self off the ground and sighed with frustration. Things are so messed up and I don’t even know what we did to get into this situation, I wanted to cry but if life has taught me anything it’s not to cry when things can always get worse.

After my first period I went looking for ‘my’ friends. I’m sure Haners friends hang around the back classes that weren’t used. Those were the classes they opened and use when we have to many students. I turned the corner and saw Jimmy and the other goons. “Hey Gates, were have you been man?” asked a guy I recognized as Zackary Baker. “Hey” I said back unsure of my self.

“Man what the hell are you wearing?” asked Matt one of his other friends. I looked down at the outfit; I thought it was pretty cute. “Um… clothes?” I answered back. They all boomed with laughter. “You better change before practice tonight. There are some lovely lady’s coming by to watch us” said Jimmy as he winked at me. I just smiled back, great that’s all I need right now.
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Sorry for not updating, i haven't had any real inspiration lately and i have finals so please be patient! I hope you guys like the story! Comments would be good!

Over and Out Captain!!!!!!