Status: I've been really busy with college lately. updates will be soon!

There Goes My Body!

Long Day

Brian’s P.O.V

Mother fucking shit! Why me? Why?! I seriously had to piss, but I was in the middle of ‘my’ English class. It wasn’t the case that I was embarrassed to ask….I just didn’t want to go to the place where no man has gone before. Ya, I might have wished I was in the girls showers a few times. But that was when I was in my body, my testosterone filled man body. Plus I was too repulsed at the idea of actually touching Elizabeth Morgan down there.

She was a pain in the ass. I cant take it anymore, if I wait any longer I’m going to burst. “Mr. Vick I need to piss can I go to the can?” I said, just then the whole room busted out laughing. What the fuck was so funny? Mr. Vick gave me a weirdo look and nodded his head. I quickly ran out of the class room with ‘my’ bag and shit and relief shot threw me when I saw the men’s bathroom. I quickly pushed the door and ran in.

I was suddenly on the floor when I hit something hard. I looked up to see one of my best friends, Zacky Baker. I smiled happy to see one of my friends but was left in shock when he started yelling and cursing. “What the fuck Morgan what do you think your doing in the boys bathroom you freak? Get out” he yelled as he picked me up and shoved me out the door. He walked out and gave me a glare, a fucking glare from my best friend! I was going to knock him out the next time I saw him.

I picked myself off the floor and turned to see the girls bathroom. I slowly pushed the door open to see that it was way more different then the guys bathroom. This one didn’t have wads of dried up towels on the ceiling, no urinals on the walls and it smelled a little more sanitary. Luckily no one was in here. I quickly went to one of the stalls and locked the door behind me. Just then I was at a loss for actions… did I do this? Okay, relax all you have to do is sit. I told myself as I tried to calm down. I took a deep breath as I pulled my skirt down……..

Elizabeth’s P.O.V

Thank god I got threw the school day, I sighed as I rushed out of school and to Brian’s house. I ran all the way up to Brian’s room and locked the door behind me. I flopped down on the bed and sighed. Today was so long. All day I tired to act like Brian which was Grade A asshole.

It was so tiring, all day I had to make sure I walked like a guy, talked like a guy and I even had to sit as a guy. And at one point…. God this is so embarrassing, I even had to pee as a guy. God that image is permanently imprinted in my mind. Gross. I jumped as I heard the telephone. I picked it up, “Hello” I said anxious to see who was on the other end. “Hey it’s me” said my voice, Haner. “What do you want? Haven’t you ruined my life enough for one life time?” I spat as I talked to the devil himself.

“Look bitch I was just calling to tell you that I have band practice tonight and your going to be taking my place so you better not screw up” he threatened. “No” I said with anger, “I’m not going to do anything for you and you cant make me cause you’re the biggest asshole I know” I said. I was about to hang up when I heard him call my name…my name. He barely ever calls me by my name, it’s always bitch and skank.

“Elizabeth, look…” said Brian as he sighed, “I’m sorry about all of this even if it wasn’t my fault okay, we need to figure out how to get back to our bodies again and quick. I cant stand being a girl, it’s the worst plus I need to get back to my band. It; important to me that I can practice with the guys. Please just meet me in a little while at the park okay? We’ll try and figure this out. And call Jimmy he’s speed dial one on my phone and tell him that you got sick and cant make it” Brian said with exhaust. I guess I wasn’t the only one who’s had a long day. “Okay, I‘ll be at the park in 10 minutes” I said as I hung up.
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OMG! i am so sorry for not updating but let me explain! i just moved back to Hawaii and that took about two weeks cause we were on vacation too. Then when i got here i was too busy getting settled in and signing up for collage. And if you haven't done that before it's a pain in the ass. Then i had to start working with my dad so it's basically a job and then i'm learning how to drive. I know what your thinking. OMG your 18 why cant you drive yet?! Well i was in another country for the past few years and trust me you'd be safer trying to take a bullet than driving there! Sp yet again sorry plus i don't have Microsoft word on this new computer so this was all done on the notepad. Life sucks and i'm sorry. If you want me to update any of my other stories you have to comment and tell me because i don't even know where to start. LOVE to all my readers who have stayed faithful to the story! Next update for this story will be soon i promise!

Over and Out Captain!!!