Status: I've been really busy with college lately. updates will be soon!

There Goes My Body!

Me Being Me And You Being You

Elizabeth’s P.O.V

That was one of the worst phone calls ever in my life. I did exactly what Brian told me to do. I pressed speed dial one and called Jimmy, I was actually hoping that he wasn’t there so I wouldn’t have to talk to him. He maybe best friends with the body I was in, but he was still an asshole. He spent the whole of 10 minutes just describing the girls that were going to be at their practice tonight in…..detail. It disgusted me that this is what guys talk about. Nothing but the disgusting details that guys notice.

Not once during the conversation did he say that one of the girls was…smart….or funny…or even cute. He described them as fresh meat. Easy fucks. Hott asses and nice racks. But his attempts to persuade me were all a failure cause in case he didn’t know my mind has a virginae and I can actually think outside the box of superficial appearances. I quickly told him that I was sick and ended that conversation. I looked at the clock to realize that I was 5 minutes late. I quickly grabbed a jacket off the floor and ran down the stairs.

When I got to the bottom I heard my name being called. I followed the voice to the kitchen to….drool….daydream……oh my god. It was Brian’s brother Brett in all his sexiness….cooking…shirtless. “hey asshole, dad said that you have to be home early tonight to have a ‘family dinner’ now me being me I seriously wouldn’t have told you but dad being dad threatened me, so I told you…now get out of my face” he said as he went back chopping carrots. Wow Brian even pisses off his own family. Ha ha, I guess assholes are assholes to everyone including their own families.

I nodded my head and quickly left the house. I ran as fast as I could down the streets until I reached the park 10 minutes later out of breath. My heart was pounding rapidly. I walked for a little while trying to calm my breathing and looking for my body. I finally found Brian pacing back and forth near the swings. By the looks of it he was pissed and from the looks of the usually full swings, I’m guessing he scared some kids too. “Where the fuck have you been?” I have been waiting here for like half an hour” snapped Brian once he saw me.

“Sorry but your stupid friend Jimmy wouldn’t shut up about the girls that were going to be at practice tonight” I said trying to defend myself. “Fine” he said as he started kicking the ground. “So let’s try and figure out what happened the night before all of this happened” I said trying to start off our investigation. I seriously wanted to be back in my body again. “I didn’t do anything different from any other night” said Brian as he tried to remember what happened the night before.

I shook my head, I didn’t do anything differently either. “What if we went to some sort of…I don’t know…Psychic maybe someone like that could help us?” suggested Brian. I gave him the ‘what the fuck’ look and he immediately lost interest in the idea. “We have to figure this out on our own. We cant tell anybody, they’ll just think we’re crazy. Maybe if we go to the library tomorrow, we can find something there” I said suddenly getting the idea. “Ya, okay how about we meet there at around 4?” he suggested.

I nodded my head and looked at my watch. I had to get home in a little while. Crap that reminded me, how the hell was I suppose to act at dinner? His family would surely notice a difference. “Hey Brian. I have to have dinner with your family tonight…” before I could even finish he cut me off. “Just stay quiet unless someone asks you a question which they wont. Family dinners are just something that my dad does every once and a while to make himself feel good” said Brian. I nodded my head.

“Hey Elizabeth…..”I looked up athis my face as he trailed off. “What?” I asked, “Nothing” he said as he looked at his watch. “You better be going” he said. I smiled at him before I ran off in shock. Did Brian Haner and I actually have a moment there?! …..Naaaa
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Hey i finally updated! Comments are loved and get you more updates!!!

Over and Out Captain