A Fall from Normality


Dita has finally gotten her life back on track after having her heart broken in the spring. It’s time for a fresh start at high school. Soon, new people are entering her life: new classmates, new friends, and a new crush. She finally feels like she's living a more perfect life. What could possibly go wrong?

this story is quite a bit different than my other stories... but as with most of my stories, though romance is a big theme in this, it's not a normal romance... and there will be some supernatural things happening... i think this is one of my better stories, and i really hope you like it!


All characters and storyline © Broken Doll Productions. Try to steal, and I'll hunt you down and kill you with a rusty toothbrush.
  1. Introduction
  2. "Normal"
    Chapter 1
  3. "The Chosen"
    Chapter 2
  4. "First Date"
    Chapter 3
  5. "Training"
    Chapter 4
  6. "Growing Pains"
    Chapter 5
  7. "Suspicions"
    Chapter 6
  8. "Nerves"
    Chapter 7
  9. "Confrontation"
    Chapter 8
  10. "Down Time"
    Chapter 9
  11. "Personal Business"
    Chapter 10
  12. "Capture"
    Chapter 11
  13. "New Mission"
    Chapter 12
  14. "Dreams and Emotions"
    Chapter 13
  15. "Searching"
    Chapter 14
  16. "To the Death"
    Chapter 15
  17. "Together At Last?"
    Chapter 16
  18. "Special"
    Chapter 17
  19. "Shall We Dance?"
    Chapter 18
  20. "Princess' Wish"
    Chapter 19