T Is for Trouble


A girl watched as the taxi she was in came to a halt in front of a large hotel. The Tipon. Her new home. Her new life. She unloaded her luggage while her mom did the same. She was an only child and her mom left her dad with her, just last night. She looked up into the full moon, thinking of all that she left, and all she may gain. A man that looked hispanic took her luggage. "Thank you." Her quiet voice spoke. "No, no. Thank you. There are two more little blond peoples about your age." "Really?" She asked, excited yet scared. "Si." He took the luggage up to her room as the girl stepped into the lobby. A boy with blond hair looked over at the door, and saw the girl, her long blond hair touching the bottom of her back, her light blue eyes looking around the room...with a hint of pain behind them. He walked over to her. "Hi," he said, holding out his hand. "I'm Cody." The girl looked back at him, slightly shocked for an instant. Then she smiled back. "Hiya! I'm Taiyoumegami. But you can call me Taiyou. It's Japanese, my name literaly translates into 'Sun goddess' so I go by 'Sun' pretty much." Then a boy similar to Cody walked up. "Hey Cody," he said. "Who's the hot babe?" "Zack," Cody said, looking at him with a wtf-are-you-doing look. "Stop doing that!" Taiyou looked at him and said, "Hi, I'm Taiyou. Your about to be gripping your left leg in pain. Zack looked at her confused, saying "What?" Taiyou kicked his left shin, and he started hopping with his leg. "Next time," she said. "I'll break your leg." Zack hopped off, cursing under his breath. "Sorry about that," Taiyou said, looking down. "I just am kinda, I dunno, protective of myself." The glint of pain that hid behind her eyes broke the seal she formed for an instant, but quickly hid again. "Don't worry about it," said Cody, wanting to know what she hid. "He was bound to get kicked someday for always acting like that." "Yep." Taiyou's mother called her, telling her to hurry up. "Sorry," she said. "I have to go now, see you soon!" She ran off to her room, number 114. She unpacked and put up her pictures and paintings in her room. Then her mom left, telling her to order whatever she wanted from room service because of "all of the recent struggles". She didn't know the half of it.....far from it. She took the gauz roll and walked into the bathroom. She pulled off her shirt revealing wrappings from the bottom of her ribs up to the bottom of her arm pits. Taiyou sighed, removing the wrappings and replacing them. She put on a new long sleeved shirt and ordered room service. The perfect way to begin summer vacation....at least for me... she thought just as the front desk began to say there would be a delay because the elevator was broken. She said thank you and hung up, walking into her room. She placed the gauze roll on her nightstand and pulled out a piece of paper and some pencils and sat on the couch in the front room. She grabbed the remote and turned on the CD player, put in a CD, and pressed the play button, singing along as she drew. When she had finished the basic portion, there was a knock and a "Room service." She opened the door and thanked and tipped the guy. She put the food on the table stand as she ate and drew. When she was done with the picture, it was a wolf from behind looking up into the moon in a forest clearing. She put the drawing in her room and went to bed. Her last thought before she fell asleep was Finally, I won't have to deal with him anymore...
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first chapter!
yes, this is the beginning of the strange dream!
yeah, its kinda short