"Three Musicians" in Spain

Uno Une One

Camilla laid on her bed listening to her ipod. Lady Ga Ga's voice floated through her ears as she hummed along to 'Just Dance'.

Camilla's mother opened the door of her bedroom and began speaking, unbeknown-st to her. When she noticed her mother she took her ear buds out of her ears.


"I said, I need you to set the table for dinner, Milla." her mother replied coolly.

Camilla nodded and got up leaving her ipod. She glanced at a painting on her wall It was of the ocean shores in Spain. She sighed and walked down the hall, closing the door behind her.

As she walked into the kitchen her father was bringing in some steaks and her mother was taking a wine bottle out of the refrigerator.

"Papa, are you staying home tonight?" she asked, taking 3 plates out of a high cabinet.

He shook his head. "No, but I'll be back early in the morning."

Camilla nodded and slid a drawer open for forks and then took 3 cups to the table with the rest of things she had.

"Ice Bella!" her mother called. Bella was Spanish for Beautiful.

"Yes, Mama." She put ice in the glasses and smelled the steaks and wine and smiled.

In a matter of minutes the wonderful meal was before sitting on the table. Steaks in wine, salad in a homemade Italian dressing and her grandmama's French sweet tea.

She took in the wonderful smell and began to serve herself.

"Camilla, sweetheart?"

"Yes, Papa?" she answered.

"How is your latest painting?"

She smiled. "It's going. I can't seem to grasp the real beauty of it all though."

"Well, we might be able to fix that." her mother said.

Camilla furrowed her eyebrows at her parents. "What do you mean?"

"Bella, we want you to go to Spain." said her mother.

"But how? I've no place to go there, and I wouldn't know anyone. I've no money fo-"

"You will stay with my sister, your Aunt Esperanza. She has asked for you to stay with her in her Villa in Barcelona." her mother answered.

A smile quickly made it's way onto Camilla face. She squealed and jumped to hug her parents.

"Thank you mama! Thank you Papa!"

"Your welcome sweetheart." her father said chuckling, his crows feet popping at the corners of his eyes.

"When do I leave?" she asked.

"In three days." her mother said.

"Mama! Why didn't you tell me sooner? I must pack!" she said turning to go to her room. " I need some cooler clothes and a new bikini and oh, I'm so exc-"

"Camilla! Camilla, calm down my Bella." her father said. "Finish your dinner, before you go off."

She smiled and took a deep breath. "Yes, papa."

She quickly scarfed her food and ran to her room to pack a few things and in the morning she went shopping for a few things with her mother.
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I had a lightbulb moment... I know that I need to update my stories, but the one's with more comments are the one's that I will update faster!

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Camilla is played by [url]Belinda[/url=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y36/TeenWizard/belinda.jpg]

- =) Taylor ox