‹ Prequel: All About You
Sequel: Stay With Me

The Heart Never Lies

Memories of Us

Danny! Danny! My cries carried all through the house even after I made it to the basement. "Danny!"

A head of brown curls shot up from it's lowered position and comforting eyes stared at me in worry, "What's wrong?"

I let out a strangled sob as I tore across the room and into Danny's arms. He held me close, even without knowing what was troubling me, and he tried to calm me down.

I sobbed a gurgled mess, trying to explain what was wrong, but Danny shook his head at me.

"Shh... Let it out and then tell me when your words make sense," he said, brushing my hair away from my wet face.

My brain told me to laugh, but I cried harder as I buried my face into his chest.

Suddenly I was aware of someone else in the room, but I didn't look up to see who.

"Is she okay?"

It was Tom.

I shook my head against Danny's chest and I heard him tell Tom that he didn't know anything yet.

Tom sighed and then announced that he and the guys would be upstairs if we needed anything. Then his footsteps echoed through the basement as he trudged upstairs to tell Dougie and Harry what little he knew about my state.

My tears continued for what felt like an eternity, but Danny never told me to cut it out and grow up. He simply began to sway from side-to-side and hum a tune I couldn't hear over my crying. I almost cried harder at his patience.

Finally, my sobs slowed and turned into hiccup-like sniffles, Danny still humming a very familiar song.

"You're humming the Barney song," I confirmed through many hiccups. "Why?"

Danny made me look at him and he busied himself by wiping away my drying tears. "I don't know. It was the first song I thought of."

I sniffled and sat up straight in his arms. "Oh."

His soft smile made my worries disappear and I felt like pouring out my soul to him.

"So what's wrong?" Danny asked, pushing my hair out of my face again.

I bit my bottom lip, "I can't do it."

"Do what?"

"Me and James. It doesn't feel right."

Danny softly touched my cheek and gazed at me sympathetically, "What happened?"

I told Danny everything. I told him how it didn't feel right holding James' hand and even how he crossed my mind when James kissed me. After I told him, he hugged me for a really long time and planted kisses on my head every so often. It made me feel better, so I didn't complain.

Sighing, I shook myself out of my memories and brought my attention back to the McFly concert.

The boys started touring seven months after my breakdown. Their tour only had a week's worth of shows left after about a month of touring and it was exhausting being their "detail manager."

I smiled as I plunged into my thoughts again and relived the day I was asked to travel with them.

Dougie and I were watching a silly show in the living room when Tom came in with a smile on his face.

"How would you like to go on tour with us?" he asked me.

My face lit up like a night light. "I'd love to!"

"Yay!" Dougie cheered, doing a little dance in his seat.

Tom nodded, "We won't start 'til next month, February, and you'll have your first job."

"Ooh! What is it?"

"It doesn't really have a name, but you'll basically make sure everything is perfect for every show. You'll check the stage, or our wardrobe and other things like that."

I grinned, "So I'm like a manager, but my main priority is all the little things that actually are the most important, right?"


"You're like our, "Dougie pondered the right words, "Detail Manager!"


Dougie and I gave each other high-fives and Tom laughed at us.

"You'll be great!" Dougie grinned.

"Aw, thanks!"

Tom rolled his eyes at us and then left the room smiling.

I forced myself out of my millionth day dream just as the boys played their last notes of the night.

The crowd went wild.

My lips formed a huge smile as the boys jogged towards me after saying their thank you's, heading for their dressing room.

"You guys did awesome!" I yelled over the roar of the crowed.

Harry grinned and gave me a high-five.

I think that's all the important things.

Dougie gave me a high-five next.

There's my talk with Danny...

I received a high-five from Danny.

Tour... my new job...

Lastly, Tom gave me a high-five and then finished it off with a short kiss to my lips.

Oh... I forgot to mention that...
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so mean. I hope you liked it and I hope you don't kill me for the twist. Heh. I couldn't resist. It was screaming out to me. :) Please comment my friends. Is it hard to give me 10 comments? I don't think so, so let's get 10 and then you'll see the second chapter as soon as I have time... Which is Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and half of Sunday. :) Love y'all. :)