‹ Prequel: All About You
Sequel: Stay With Me

The Heart Never Lies



"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." -Genesis 2:24 (NIV)

Life was fantastic. Danny and I were the happiest we’d ever been together and you could never find us without the other. I think the others wanted to smack us half the time, but they never hinted at it.

My parents knew about me and Danny. I called my mom the day after our date and I was so happy I couldn’t make complete sentences. My mom was pretty happy, too, when she got the gist of what I was saying. That’s when I found out Danny asked my dad if he could date me and obviously my dad said yes. I never thought Danny would be the one to do that, but he seemed to be full of surprises since our date.

Speaking of dates, I think we went on one almost every night that he was free. Not that I wasn’t complaining. I like spending time with my boyfriend because he's amazing.

It feels so great saying that…

Lately, my photos have been appearing in the pop-culture news. I expected it since, well, I’m dating the Danny Jones and I have no problem with it. We both agreed that we’ll act like a typical couple and enjoy spending time with each other. It’s worked pretty well.

I’m just ecstatic that everything seems right in my life…

A bowl of ice cream in hand, I sat on the couch in the boys’ living room and began watching a cheesy British sitcom that was making me giggle. Danny sat close to me, also eating a bowl of ice cream. The boys were out for the night, giving me and Danny the house to ourselves.

“So tell me, why are we watching this?” Danny asked curiously, putting a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.

I shrugged, doing the same, “It makes me chuckle, so I decided to watch it.”

His body shook as he laughed, “You’re silly.”

“So are you,” I teased, looking at him and getting a childish idea.


Danny ate more of his dessert and I eyeballed it while slowly eating mine.

I was so plotting.

When Danny had most of his ice cream eaten, I put my plan into action. I coated my lips with my vanilla ice cream really well unnoticed and then I leaned over to kiss Danny’s cheek. I smiled in triumph seeing the sticky set of lips set on his cheek.

“Ah! Why was that col–You’re gonna get it,” Danny promised with an evil gleam in his eye.

Grinning, I stuck my finger in my ice cream and then covered Danny’s nose with it. I quickly jumped away from him and I stuck my tongue out at him.

He stared at me intensely while getting ice cream on his spoon without me seeing it and
then flung it at me.

It landed on the side of my neck and slid down my shirt before I could get it off me. I screamed and danced around like an idiot when I felt the glob go down the front of my shirt.

It got stuck in my bra and melted quickly, making me scream again.

“It’s in my bra and it’s so cold! You’re such a meanie!” I cried, pointing an accusing finger at Danny who was laughing his head off.

“You started it,” Danny retaliated, shooting more sweet snow at me that landed by my ear and ran down my neck.

Screaming again, I stuck my hand in my bowl and shoveled out a huge amount into my hand. I ran at Danny, tackled him, and painted his face with my messy hand, some dripping into his hair and on the couch.

He returned the favor with what was left of his ice cream and he laughed loudly seeing it drip off my nose.

Laughing at him, I grabbed my bowl and dumped it on him though he tried to get away. It landed around his chin and ran down both sides of his neck and onto the couch, some soaking the collar of his shirt. He laughed again and tried to keep his head off the sticky couch.

Our laughter slowly died down and we sat up, looking at each other to evaluate the damage.

“We need to change,” I snickered, looking down at my shirt and then at Danny who was studying me curiously.

In reply, Danny leaned towards me and suddenly ran his tongue along the ice cream trail that followed my jaw line.

I stared at him with wide eyes and my mouth hung partly open. I tried to say something, but I couldn’t even manage a squeaky sound.

Realization crossed over his features and he scratched the back of his head, embarrassed with himself.

“Sorry… I-I don’t know what I was… thinking…” he mumbled.

I replied in a high pitched voice, “I, um… I’m going to go… clean myself… um, up.”

Without waiting for him to say anything, I bolted up the stairs and into my room. I almost tripped over the blanket hanging off the side of my bed when I ran into my bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I turned on the hot water and splashed my face with it, scrubbing away the sticky mess.

When I turned the water off, feeling that my face and neck were clean enough, I stared at my reflection in the mirror and frowned at how my hair looked; but I didn’t immediately go to wash my hair in the tub. Instead, I ran my finger across the trail Danny followed when he licked me. I shivered when I replayed it in my head and a tingly feeling grew in my abdomen. I started think about what could have happened if I didn’t run away, making the tingly feeling intensify.

Ignoring the feeling, I went to the bathtub, turning on the warm water, and bending over the side to wash my hair. I scrubbed for a good minute and then rinsed until my hair squeaked when my hands went across it.

I finished in five minutes, wrapping a towel around my head and standing up straight. I turned around and jumped.

“Ah! What are you doing here?”

Danny was standing casually against my sink, his hair wet like mine.

“I wanted to apologize for what, um, happened down there.” Danny ruffled his hair nervously, “I know how you feel about that kind of stuff, but I still did that. I shouldn’t have and I’m really sorry.”

While he was talking to me, I put some lotion on my face and took the towel off my head, ruffling my hair with it. My hair stuck out in multiple directions, but I didn’t fix it.

“It’s okay, Danny,” I smiled sweetly at him and comfortably leaned into his side. “To be honest… I keep… thinking about it… wondering…”

Danny flattened my hair and gazed at me curiously. “Why are you wondering about it?”

I shrugged, blushed, and looked down. “I don’t know…”

A smirk showed up on his face, “You liked it, didn’t you?”

My face turned from a pink to a dark red and I kept my eyes downcast. Then I sprinted out of the bathroom, dived under my bed covers and hid my face. My wet and sticky shirt was cold against my skin and I shivered from it.

I heard Danny chuckled and then he sat on my bed, crawling closer to sit next to me. Gently he pulled the covers away from my head and started brushing my wet hair with his fingers.

“It’s okay if you liked it.”

Softly, his lips pressed against my neck in several spots, causing chills to go down my spine. I turned my head to lay on my cheek, letting him kiss my jaw a few times.

“So what were you wondering about, honestly?” Danny asked me in between kisses.

“Um,” I gathered my thoughts, trying to ignore his lips traveling around my neck. “I was wondering about… what could have happened if I didn’t run away…”

Danny forced me on my back, giving me gentle kisses on my lips. It was a few kisses later until he responded.

“Does that mean you’re okay with finding out?” he whispered, giving me a very long kiss.

My common sense flew out the window and I eagerly kissed him back.

He pulled away and gazed down at me. He pushed my wet hair out of my face and kissed my nose softly.

A shy smile lit up my face and I let myself get lost in his eyes. Instead of them being blue, they looked like the color of a stormy sea.

He smiled back and kissed my lips again, then my throat. I closed my eyes as his lips trailed down to my collarbone and made all possible thoughts evaporate.

“You missed a spot,” Danny commented, continuing to kiss my collarbone that apparently was still sticky.

I replied by running my fingers through his wet hair and playing with the curling strands while he kept kissing me.

To my dislike, Danny stopped to get under the covers with me, but immediately went back to kissing my neck.

After bringing his lips to mine again, I felt his fingers brush across my stomach and then go away. Goosebumps appeared all over my body and I wrapped my arms around Danny’s neck.

He pulled away from me and purposely gave me a sexy look. Something inside me ached and I trembled, causing Danny to smirk.

My lips crashed against his that time and I gently tightened my grip on his hair.

I soon felt him take the hem of my shirt and pull it up a little like he was testing my reaction, exposing a small portion of my stomach.

I didn’t stop kissing him and my hands went under his shirt in response. My fingers lightly touched his stomach until I brought them over his sides and to his back where they drew circles repeatedly.

Anxious, Danny took his lips away from mine and took his shirt off for me. I felt my face heat up and then he started kissing me again, but with more passion.

He was a little excited…

Not too soon after, he lifted my shirt over my head, pausing to make sure I was alright with it, and then kissing my neck when I didn’t stop him.

My eyes closed again and I took an extremely long and shaky breath feeling his lips move down to my collarbone again and eventually further…

Our hearts synchronized together, beating as one heart and our bodies ached for the other. Our arms held each other closely, his hold delicate as if I would break into a million pieces and mine more for comfort.

His body experimented with mine while being mindful of my body’s reactions and movements, afraid that he could hurt me.

A few small tears escaped my eyes from a new kind of pain and instantly stopped Danny.

He held me tenderly and kissed away my tears. I kissed his neck as a thank you and grabbed one of his hands, holding it to my face.

He gingerly combed my hair with his fingers and watched my eyes slowly shut, exhaustion and his body heat letting sleep enter my mind.

I wanna sleep with you forever and I wanna die in your arms…
♠ ♠ ♠
Um... Heh. Yes... IT happened. Heh. I wanna definitely hear your response and stuff. :) I try to avoid... THIS, but I needed a way to start more drama and stuff. And right at the moment that I finished that last statement, I got the idea for the ending, but don't worry. It's not coming up yet. I can say that there's a possibility for another sequel. :) Well, I'll post 11 tonight and by then I'll hopefully have lots of comments AND 12 done. :) I love you guys and please don't let this chapter be what you judge me by. I DON'T like this stuff and you have NO idea how nervous I've been when I wrote it. Anyway, please comment and I love you all. :) Sorry for the rating change. I didn't feel comfortable keeping it at PG-13.