‹ Prequel: All About You
Sequel: Stay With Me

The Heart Never Lies

Talk It Out

Tom and I sat close together on the couch, his arm around my shoulders, and we watched Danny, Harry, and Dougie play a video game. I chuckled quietly every time one would try to distract the others. They were such guys, but I loved them immensely.

I put my head against Tom's shoulder and my eyes fell on Danny. My gaze fell to the floor when I remembered how upset he was when he found out about me and Tom.

I followed Danny downstairs after he stormed out of the room, "Danny, talk to me. I hate it when you're mad."

He stopped and whipped around, hurt evident in his features. "Then quit doing this!"

I looked down, "Oh... I'm... sorry... I just thought - "

"No, you didn't think," Danny interrupted. "Three months ago, you said I would have a chance if you and James didn't work out. Then you came running to me, so broken over it, and I decided to give you time. And now you're with Tom?!"

"You were giving me time?" I looked at him confused, "I thought you moved on... or something."

Danny's anger slowly evaporated, "Why would you think that?"

"You kept your distance from me most of the time, so I figured you were over me," I answered truthfully.

I watched Danny pace, place his head in his hands, and sit on the edge of his bed. I frowned and sat next to him cautiously.

"I should have told you," he finally murmured.

My hand lightly touched his arm, "I probably should have talked to you before I got together with Tom... Like I kept telling myself to do."

Danny chuckled sadly and looked up at me. "We both really suck at this."

"Yeah." I smiled warmly at him, "But who said we wouldn't make mistakes."

He smiled back and then put me in a headlock, ruffling my hair.

I screamed and tried to get away, laughter escaping my lips.

My eyes fell on Danny and then away like before. I sighed almost sadly, making Tom rub my arm.

"You okay?" he asked quietly so the other wouldn't hear.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking," I replied in a whisper.

He rubbed my arm some more and kissed my head. "Whatever it is, don't let it bother you, okay?"

I nodded and then studied how my body was reacting to Tom.

It felt relaxed like any other time I was with him, so I smiled in satisfaction. But then my mind pulled up a few of the times I had a sense of rejection when he kissed me. If it was more than just a peck, I felt like I was doing something wrong. It was like when I was with James, just less noticeable.

"That's not fair! You cheated!"

Danny's complaints brought me out of my thoughts and I glanced at the t.v. screen to find that Danny had lost the game.

"We didn't cheat!" Harry protested in amusement. "You just suck."

I giggled as Danny grumbled incoherent words and took a seat by me and Tom.

I pat his hand, "It's alright, Danny. We all suck at something."

"Thanks for the support," he mumbled sarcastically.

"No problem."

Danny's eyes met mine and we held each others stares. Embarrassed with myself, I turned away and focused on Tom's hand holding mine.

"Hey, Syd," Harry started, grabbing my attention, "I know this is completely random, but did you figure out why your family couldn't see us?"

I shrugged, "I have a theory."

"What is it?" Dougie questioned.

"It's kinda dumb, but I think that storm that appeared was created by my subconscious and was like a teleport." I paused a moment and glanced at Danny, "I think maybe one of you saw me on MySpace or something and wondered about me long enough to be teleported to my front door."

"Meaning you were thinking about us?" Dougie smirked.

"When don't I think about you guys?" I smirked back.

"Do you have a theory on why we were basically invisible to your family?" Tom changed the subject.

"I also think that was a subconscious thing. Don't know how, but that's what I think."

Danny looked at me curiously, "How come they could see us when we came back?"

My face went blank as I thought of the possibilities. Then it hit me.

"I think the storm put a kind of veil over their eyes, keeping them from seeing you. When my mom got suspicious, the veil was slowly lifting. It was only a temporary thing."

"Harry Potter did it," Dougie confirmed.

I giggled, "Doug, he's fictional."

"That's what they want you to think."

"Sure, sure."

"It does sound like magic, or something though," Tom shuddered.

"Whatever it was, I like it because I wouldn't be here without it," I smiled.

Tom hugged me with his arm that was already around my shoulders, "True. We like it, too... Even if it defies logic."

I tapped my head, "Not my logic."

The boys chuckled and naturally, I looked towards Danny. I quickly averted my eyes when his met might mine and I sighed inwardly.

I really had to stop doing that.
♠ ♠ ♠
So all your comments were fantastic. I smiled and laughed at them because I succeeded in making a successful twist. :) There's a reason behind it too. It's gonna help the plot and future drama. :) I hope you enjoyed and understand a little better why she's with Tom. :) Please comment and I'll try to get three up... when I get another 10 comments. :) Or maybe just 5. Depends on my mood. :) Love ya guys. :)