‹ Prequel: All About You
Sequel: Stay With Me

The Heart Never Lies

Where You Belong


Sitting at the table, I slowly shoveled cereal into my mouth and chewed in boredom. The dogs surrounded my feet, waiting for me to drop a little food, but I ignored their stares.

The sound of footsteps reached my ears and I listened to them go down the hall and into the bathroom. The door shut and locked and I dropped my spoon in my mostly empty bowl. I rested my chin on my hands and frowned at my bowl.

I didn't understand why I was acting like a child. When I woke up, I was already in a foul mood and I had hoped eating something would help. Of course it didn't.

I heard the toilet flush and the door opened around thirty seconds later. The footsteps came closer and into the kitchen where I was.

"Morning," Danny's chipper voice greeted me.

I lifted my head and smiled slightly, picking up my bowl and making my way to the sink.

"Hey," Danny made me look at him, "What's going on?"

Placing my bowl in the sink, I shrugged, "I don't know. I woke up feeling bitter."

Danny frowned, but I walked away from him.

"I'm going to watch a movie. We'll go to the hospital tonight," I stated without looking back.

Danny didn't reply, so I continued my descent downstairs, grabbing Return to Me on my way to the t.v.

Twenty minutes into the movie, Danny came down the stairs with his phone outstretched to me.

"Tom," he simply said, putting his phone in my hand.

I took it, stood up, and put it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey! How ya doing?" Tom asked.

"I don't know," I answered quietly, walking towards my dad's studio.

"What's wrong?"

"I just woke up really ticked off. I don't know why, though."

Tom was silent for a minute, "It was Danny, wasn't it?"

"Why do you think he did anything?"

"Dan told me about last night, Syd. I think you're upset about it."

I shook my head even though he couldn't see it, "That's not why."

"Syd, I know you like Danny and when he disagreed with you, you were hurt."

My grip on the phone tightened and I frowned. "Why did you send Danny with me?"

I heard Tom sigh on the other side of the line, "I know why your friendship with him is strained. Both of you are trying to keep your distance from each other, he doing it for you and you doing it for me. It's been that way since we got together."

I scowled at the floor, "If you have a point behind this, just get to it, Tom."

Tom hesitated, "You shouldn't be with me. You and Danny belong together. I know that I asked you out, but I've noticed how you interact with each other. You're both so careful and it sucks watching you two act like you can't do anything fun together... I really do like you, Syd... But I believe you should be with Danny. That's why I sent him with you. I wanted you two to be happy again."

"You know that it can't happen for a while, right? My grandmother is in the hospital and she's why I'm here. Not to build a relationship with Danny. Plus, if you're breaking up with me... Well, I don't believe going straight to Danny would be a smart move."

"But now you don't have to worry about making me upset."

"I wasn't-"

"Yes, you were. Just quit arguing with me and go back to Danny."

I punched the air silently in anger, "Fine."

There was a short pause, "I'll see you guys when you get back, okay?"

"Yeah... See ya..."


Angrily, I hung up the phone and stared at it. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion seeing a picture of me smiling ridiculously as the phone's background.

We really did have it bad for each other...

Sighing, I trudged my way back into the family room where I found Danny absorbed in the movie. I dropped his phone in his lap and took a seat on the opposite end of the couch.

"What's going on in this movie? I don't get it," he asked, his eyes glued to the screen.

"Bob, that guy, lost his wife in an accident and she donated her organs, giving that girl, Grace, a new heart. As you can see, Bob's dead wife's heart inside of Grace is beating for him, making them feel as if they know each other," I explained in a bored tone.


I rested my cheek on my fist, showing my foul mood. "Yeah."

"So, what did Tom talk to you about?" Danny curiously asked, noticing my mood.

"He broke up with me. He decided that he wasn't the right one for me and wants me and you to be happy again... That's basically it."

"You don't look like you care to much."

"Of course I care! I wouldn't be in a bad mood if I didn't!" I spat.

"Sorry..." he mumbled, watching the movie again.

Tears pricked at the corner of my eyes because not only was I frustrated, but I felt bad for taking it all out on Danny.

"No... I'm sorry... I shouldn't take it out on you," I sighed.

"It's okay..." he replied in a small voice, glancing at me for a second.

Sighing again, I turned my attention to the movie and prayed that it would make me feel better.

Thankfully as the movie progressed, I began to smile a little and even giggle when the old men started dancing to Frank Sinatra. Unfortunately when Grace left Bob in confusion and later for Italy, I had to fight back tears since I was overdue a crying session.

As the movie came closer to the end, my spirits were lifted when the Italian nun said, "Tu amore," to Grace, revealing Bob on the bike he gave to her before she left. I started to smile a little and then it grew seeing Bob put his ear against Grace's chest to listen to her heart.

"Why's he doing that?" Danny blurted.

"He wanted to listen to her heart. He doesn't need a reason because it's sweet," I answered, my smile still visible.

Danny stayed silent, but I knew he was watching me closely. I ignored him though and quietly continued to watch the movie.

Out of no where, Danny wrapped his arms around my middle and rested his head against my chest like Bob did in the movie.

"D-Danny... What are you doing?"

He answered after a short moment of silence, "Listening to your heart race."

My face heated up and I stiffened, not knowing how to react.

His arms tightened around me slightly, "Calm down, love."

"I-I can't," I stammered. " I mean.... Tom did just... ya know... break up... with me."

That made Danny hug me, never lifting his head or saying a word.

The ending credits began and I timidly glanced between the t.v. and Danny. My logical side hoped he would notice and let go of me, but my emotional side wanted him to stay where he was.

Finally I relaxed and started running my fingers through his hair, occasionally twirling it around my fingers.

"That can't be very comfortable," I pointed out timidly.

"It was for a bit," he chuckled, carefully sitting up and setting his hands in his lap.

We sat in an awkward silence, listening to the music from the movie and shifting our eyes around the room... At least that's what I was doing. Danny was too busy staring at me.

I met Danny's gaze and instantly blushed. "Um... You can stop... looking at me like that."

He tilted his head to the side curiously, "Why?"

"It's... um, weird... you staring at me."

"But I like you... a lot," he grinned.

My hands covered my face in embarrassment as I made a weird squealing sound and Danny chuckled, amused by my reaction.

He kissed the side of my head, "Cute."

"Oh stop it!" I whined, refusing to remove my hands from my red face.

Another kiss was placed on my head and his arm wrapped around my shoulders, forcing me to sit closer to him.

I felt Danny's breath by my ear and I turned a darker shade of red though my hands were hiding it.

"This time... we won't make the same mistakes we made before."
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw. :) Looks like Danny made the decision for Sydney. :P But will they ever get together? I guess we all have to wait. :D
Thank you to the dreamers disease for the FANTASTIC banner. :) If any of you would like to make one, feel free. I will gladly take them and try to use as many as possible. :)
I hope you liked this chapter. :D And I hope you're happy that I was super anxious to get this chapter out. :D Please comment! :D