‹ Prequel: All About You
Sequel: Stay With Me

The Heart Never Lies

Walk and Talk


Too soon a week flew by, my grandma safely getting back home and healing beautifully. Unfortunately, a week gone meant it was time for me and Danny to return to England.

We woke up our final morning with our bags already packed and a sense of sadness following us around. To be totally truthful, we wanted to stay longer and hang out together more than we got to.

We entered the kitchen for breakfast and found my parents made it for us as their goodbye since they were gone at work already it. It made me sad that I couldn’t personally tell them goodbye.

After we gobbled our breakfast down, we loaded ourselves and our things in the car and silently drove back to the airport.

Danny and I arrived at the airport in a matter of time, getting our luggage on the plane and later ourselves.

We quietly took our seats beside each other and Danny stared out his window, disappointment written on his face.

I silently hugged his arm with my left and rested my head on his shoulder. He softly kissed my head before resting his head on mine and grabbing my right hand with his left.

The entire plane ride was silent between us. Calming, but silent.

“Welcome back!” Dougie greeted us enthusiastically after we grabbed our things and met up with the rest of McFly by a café.

“Hey, Dougie,” I smiled giving him a giant hug. “I missed you so much!”

“I missed you, too!” he grinned, letting go of me.

I hugged Tom and Harry next and greeted them in the same manner. Danny also greeted them, but in his own typical guy way.

“Did your grandmother get home okay?” Harry questioned.

“Yeah. She went home yesterday and she’s doing great. Thanks for asking.”

“That’s great,” he smiled.

A few more conversation topics passed through the group until I yawned.

“I guess we should get home. You two need to catch up sleep,” Tom smiled towards me and Danny.

With no objections, the five of us got in Tom’s Mini and we headed home. Danny and I took a little cat nap along the way.

Both of us woke up just as we pulled up to the house and Tom smiled sweetly at us.

“You guys go take a nap and we’ll bring your stuff in.”

Yawning, we both nodded and sleepily went inside. Danny kissed my forehead before we went to our separate rooms and crashed on our beds.

Thankfully, I slept a good three hours until the aroma from dinner filled my nose.

Rubbing my eyes one at a time, I came down the stairs and into the kitchen where the boys, including Danny, were eating.

“Evening!” Dougie smiled, shoving food down his throat.

I giggled and sat next to Danny, earning a silly smile from him.

Tom smiled at that, “Do you want some dinner.”

“Oh yeah,” I answered and started to get out of my chair.

Danny jumped up instead. “I’ll get it for you,” he announced.

Tom smirked at me and I shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal.

“Hey, Syd,” he started, “Do you wanna go on a walk with me when we’re finished? I think we have a chat that’s overdue.”

I looked at Danny and asked if it was okay through my gaze as he set a plate of food in front of me. “I don’t care,” he answered, taking his seat and continuing to eat.

I smiled at Tom, “Yeah. I’ll walk with you.”

He nodded and also continued to eat.

As I ate, I wondered about what we would talk about and if Tom was going to tease me about how Danny treated me moments before.

Soon Tom and I finished, excused ourselves from the table, and then left for our walk.

We walked a bit before Tom spoke up. “So you and Danny seem okay,” he evaluated.

“Yeah. You were right to send him with me. It really did help. Thanks.”

“No problem.” Tom nudged me with his elbow, “Did you two get together while in the States?”

I playfully shoved Tom, “No and it’s because I didn’t feel right moving on that fast.”

Tom sweetly smiled, “I wouldn’t have cared if you moved on to him right after we split. You’ve liked him for a long time and he’s liked you right back. James and I just prevented anything from happening. You two shouldn’t have to wait any longer.”

“I just don’t want Danny to be on the rebound. I know how much that can hurt,” I replied.

“I don’t think you should worry about that.” Tom sighed with a knowing smile on his face, “I think James and I were on the rebound.”

I thought about the logic behind it and then my eyes widened.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it to be that way! Ah! I’m so so so so sorry!”

He chuckled and ruffled my hair, “It’s fine. We worked out better as friends anyway. Same thing with you and James… though you haven’t talked to him in awhile.”

“I really haven’t had much time to call and say hello.”

“No. You’ve been too busy drooling over Danny,” he teased.

My jaw fell and I smacked Tom. “I was not drooling over Danny.”

“Oh, that’s right… You were practicing your kissing skills for Danny.”

“Thomas Fletcher!” I scolded, earning a laugh from him.

“Was I right?”

“No,” I stuck my tongue out at him. “You’re so mean.”

Tom only grinned and stuck out his right hand.


Smiling, I put my right hand in his and we shook.


“Now let’s head back so you can finish your kissing practice.”

“You jerk!” I yelled, making him run back towards the house.

Life seemed to be looking up…
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry that this one is shorter than the rest. But I promise the next chapter will be the best. :D
Tom is so sweet. =] I hope you liked and please comment! :D Oh, and to warn you, I have a feeling I'll have to change the rating on this story because later some insinuations come along and I don't wanna get in trouble for having the wrong rating.