‹ Prequel: All About You
Sequel: Stay With Me

The Heart Never Lies

Going Out

The bedroom door was open and I was lying on my bed, staring into space.

Suddenly, loud giggles filled the hallway and then zoomed past my room. Then there was a yell that went by, too.

“Danny wants to go on a date with you tonight!” someone squealed as they passed my room again.

I giggled and sat up, knowing it was Dougie who was squealing.

“I wanted to ask her you butt-head!” Danny whined, also passing my room again.

“Guys!” I called out to them.

Two familiar heads poked around the door frame and I giggled.

“Danny, do you want to ask me anything?” I smiled sweetly.

Dougie pushed Danny in my room and then ran away with an evil laugh.

I giggled again and then stared up at Danny. “So? Whatcha wanna ask me, Dannay?”

“Why are you talking like that?” he asked in amusement.

“That’s your question?”

He blushed, “Um, no.”

“It can’t be that difficult to ask, Hon,” I giggled quietly.

Danny looked at me through his eyelashes, “Do you, um, wanna go out with me tonight?”

“I would love to go out with you tonight, Danny!” I answered with a lot of enthusiasm. “What time are we going and what should I wear?”

Danny looked at the jeans and t-shirt I was wearing, “That’s fine, at least I think so, and be ready by seven… Is that okay?”

I nodded, “Yeah. Perfect. You sure I shouldn’t change?”

“You look great, so don’t worry about it unless you want to,” Danny said as he began to walk out of my room.

“Hey, Danny?”


“Tom talked to you didn’t he?” I smirked.

Danny just grinned and walked away.

I rolled my eyes and fell back on my bed, my stomach doing flips for Danny.

At seven, there was a knock on my door and I had to swallow hard so my stomach wouldn’t come up into my throat.


I rushed to my door and opened it, revealing a grinning Danny.

“Hi,” I blushed.

“Hi,” he smiled shyly, then kissed my cheek. “You ready to go?”

I nodded, “Yeah.”

Danny held out his arm and I linked mine with his, giggling.

“Let’s eat!” he exclaimed happily.

With excitement, the two of us walked out of the house, got in Tom’s Mini that he let us borrow, and then headed off to wherever Danny was taking me.

Soon Danny parked the care by a restaurant that said, “Al Fresco” and I stared at the building in awe.

“I really don’t think–”

“Don’t start. Just have fun with me, okay?” Danny cut in.

Reluctantly, I nodded and wondered how expensive the food was going to be.

Danny jumped out of the car and jogged to my side, opening my door for me.

“You’re too sweet,” I smiled after I got out.

He shut the car door with a cute smile, “You’re sweeter.”

I rolled my eyes, “Okay, Romeo. Let’s get eating.”

With a bright smile, Danny took my hand and led me to the beginning of a great night.

“That was really good, Danny,” I complimented when we strolled out of the Italian restaurant holding hands.

“Better than McDonald’s?” he teased, picking on James for his idea for dinner on our date.

I giggled, “Way better than McDonald’s… You weren’t there at McDonald’s.”

“Now you’re going corny?”

“It came out of my mouth like word vomit.”

Danny chuckled, opening my car door for me and shutting it behind me. Then he hopped in on his side, started the car, and pulled out of the parking spot.

“So where are you taking me now?” I pestered, not expecting a straight answer.

“We’re gonna dance,” he smiled.

The color drained from my face, “But I can’t dance. I’m terrible.”

“I know.”

“Then why are we still going?”

Danny grabbed my left hand with his right, “Don’t worry. I’ll be the only one around.”

I tilted my head in curiosity, but all Danny did was tap my nose with his finger, still holding my hand.

Time flew by, though we were pleasantly silent, and Danny finally pulled up to a building that was dark except for one towards the front.

Anxious, Danny got out, helping me out as well, and knocked on the glass doors.

A short old man in a janitor’s uniform came to the door with a smile on his face. He opened the door without words and let me and Danny inside.

“What is this place?” I whispered in the silent building.

Danny never answered, but he did take me into a dark room and switched the light on.

Hardwood floors ran through the room and there were two walls with mirrors lining it and handrails under them. The room was mostly bare except for some chairs around the room and an iHome stereo off to the side.

“A dance studio?”

Danny grinned and led me farther into the room. “Since you can’t dance, I’m going to teach you.”

“I didn’t know you could dance.”

He scoffed, “I was taught how to dance and I did dance a bit in the ‘Transylvania’ video.”

I blushed, “I just never thought you really knew how.”

“I do and that’s why I’m going to teach you. It’s not very hard.”


Casually, he put my left hand on his shoulder, grabbing my right hand with his left, and placing his right hand on my waist.

My face reddened and I awkwardly stood there.

He chuckled and shook my arm hard enough to shake my whole body, “Loosen up, Syd. It’s only me in here. No one’s gonna judge you on your dancing skills.”

I bit my lip nervously and looked at the floor.

He lifted my chin up with his right hand and returned it to my waist. “Pay attention and take your time, okay? Have fun with it.”

I nodded slowly, giving Danny the ‘okay’ to begin teaching me.

Many times I tripped over my own feel, as well as his, and I constantly messed up even if it was extremely simple.

Danny giggled a lot, though he tried to hold it in to be nice; but it was his laughter that made me ease up a bit and have a little fun.

When I finally got the basics down decently, Danny went over to the iHome and hit play on what looked to be my iPod. “Rule the World” by Take That began to play, tell me it was my iPod.

Danny grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, beginning to lead me in the dance.

“Feel the music and let go,” he quietly told me.

By the grace of God, I somehow managed to do exactly that. It put a smile on Danny’s face feeling me relax into the dance and silently sing the song.

Danny started adding twirls that didn’t faze me though I knew my feet weren’t coordinated enough to do such things. Thankfully, my feet obeyed my brain and every twirl I did succeeded.

A few times I laughed when Danny made face or added his own moves randomly. It was great.

All the stars are coming out tonight/They’re lighting up the sky tonight/For you, for you/All the stars are coming out tonight/They’re lighting up the sky tonight/For you, for you

The song came to an end, Danny and I closer together than when we started and gazing at each other. Another song began to play, but we weren’t paying attention.

Danny touched his forehead to mine and whispered loud enough for me to hear. “Now can I kiss you?”

My face heated up, but I smiled stupidly and Danny took that as a yes.

His lips tenderly pressed against mine and he lightly placed his hands on each side of my face. My stomach flipped several times when he deepened the kiss after briefly pulling away. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and then he picked me up and twirled around with me. I pulled away from him to laugh and wrap my arms loosely around his neck. He set me back down on solid ground and kissed me again, grinning after.

“Wanna head home?” he asked, kissing me once again.

I mumbled a ‘yes’ against his lips and then Danny let me free of his arms and lips.

Quickly, Danny grabbed the iHome and iPod and joyfully walked with me back to the car.

Before he let me in, Danny kissed me like he did only minutes before. Then he got in and we drove back home. That time our fingers laced together when we held hands; proving to everyone, and ourselves, that we weren’t just friends anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw. :) They had a good first date. Now next chapter... I gotta change the rating. I hate to do it, but I don't wanna get in trouble with Mibba. And I guess... what you're probably thinking is gonna happen. I got the idea from Zoo Tycoon and decided to add it in to make a new kind of drama... I still don't know how or when I'm gonna end this story though. Heh. I guess I'm just pulling stuff out of the air. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter because it's totally my favorite thus far. :) Love y'all and I hope getting so many chapters out isn't like annoying you or anything. That would make me feel bad. Till next time! Oh and if you wanna listen to "Rule the World" go to aimini.com and look it up. It's a great song. :)